White Racism Is Built Into Popular Social Platform

These days, almost nothing surprises me.

Yet, just the other day, I was surprised once again…

I was perusing the web when I came across “OpenWeb”, again. You’re probably thinking, what’s that? Well, let me tell you all about it. They are a popular comment forum that’s used on websites you visit. You have probably used OpenWeb and didn’t even know it.

Here’s a quick list of some of the sites using this comment platform.

  • Fox News
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • New York Post
  • Yahoo!
  • Aol.

The light bulb just went off in your mind, ding! Now you know what I am talking about.

So there I am again, playing tech geek, reading about the OpenWeb product when I was floored! They have a section of their site dedicated to explaining how their comment moderation system works, and how it functions with AI.

That’s when I found this flow chart that explains, once you submit your comment, it goes through this workflow.

“White supremacy filters”!!!

You can imagine my amazement. I was just trying to learn about the platform and see what the hype is all about. Then I’m slapped across the face with “white supremacy filters”. I seriously had to read it twice. This is front end website stuff, for all to see.

This is how open and accepted hatred toward whites has become.

To say I am disgusted is beyond words. OpenWeb is telling their clients, hey, use our comment software and you won’t have to worry about white racists. I just cannot get over that.

Let’s face it, every race has their own racists.

It’s limited these days, but let’s not act like only whites can be racist. We know this is all about marginalizing a group of people who are the descendants of this nations founding. A people who remember their history and are predominately Christian. A people who are becoming more vocal about their Constitutional Rights.

After all, whites do not have groups called, “White Lives Matter”. Nor do they chant slogans like “White Power,” but other races are allowed to, and they are even supported for it.

Now that’s racism!

Yet, even the President of the United States marginalizes his own race…

Biden said,

“Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland.”

What a load.

Yet, war zones and murder epicenters like;

  • Chicago
  • Oakland
  • Los Angeles
  • Philadelphia
  • Baltimore

Are not a threat to the homeland or a civil society.

Give me a break already.

I think we know why the crime is so high there.

Democrat control and those cities are oh so “diverse”. No one wants to say that though, that might be “racist”. Yet, it’s okay to blame whitey for all the world’s problems. Instead of looking at the actual problem, instead of “backing the blue,” we just blame whites when everything goes to hell.

We need honesty now more than ever before. Then, together, everyone can help fix the problems we face today. I know, how irrational is that statement?

But I digress, so here’s the deal…

OpenWeb and the publishers using their software are a part of the problem.

It’s a big problem!

Look at this next screenshot from their “Our Mission” page. Check out what I highlighted.

OpenWeb believes in “upholding freedom of information and debate for society as a whole”.

That’s an absolute lie!

They have clearly displayed white racism and they are attempting to exclude whites from the discussion. Hey, our Founding Fathers are considered racist by those who maintain the National Archives for heavens sake!

  • So what exactly is OpenWeb’s AI blocking?
  • What conversations are you never reading?

Now, I want to show you a bigger list of their clients, right from the OpenWeb site.

So on that small list of their many clients, they have;

  • Fox News
  • New York Post
  • News Corp

So we are talking about conservative news publishers here. No one would question the fact that whites make up a tremendous portion of the Fox News audience.

So why have they bought into anti-white software?

That’s a good question.

I think you should ask them.

Don’t just read this article and move on…

Take action!

I ask that you contact some of these sites. Ask them why they are using a platform that is creating and endorsing hate against whites, by having “white supremacy filters”.

Can you imagine a “black supremacy filter”?

Don’t act like black supremacy doesn’t exist. Have you ever heard of the black panthers? I recall during the Obama years, the black panthers were harassing people on Election Day at the polls. I never read that about any “white supremacy” group.

Regardless, this type of hatred and perversion (of any race) cannot continue.

Fox News sure talks up to whites in order to peddle their news and advertisements to them. All the while, they are secretly selling whites out. I think that should concern you.

In the end, this is more division that Jesus Christ always told us about, (Matthew 12:25). The wicked powers of the world are dividing each and every one of us against each other, (Eph 2:2, 2 Cor 4:4, 2 Thes 2:12). Then we cannot stand together to fight, and shout down, our true enemies.

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