Share Your Hope, Share Your Christian Fire!

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

1 Peter 3:15

When a non-believer asks why you have hope, when they ask why you believe in Jesus Christ…

What is your answer?

You always want to be ready, to provide that answer. You want to present yourself as a knowledgeable, respectable and confident person. Someone who has insight, this helps to expand our faith. This helps God expand His Kingdom.

That’s why you’re here, to follow Him, and be accepted into His Kingdom. Then, to help build His Kingdom by bringing more brothers and sisters into it, (John 3:16, Mark 16:15).

We do this by providing those little answers on occasion. We do this by sharing His Word and standing firm in our faith. We do this by being that Christian example for the world to see. By raising our family in the faith, each day nurturing them on our Christian walk through life.

It’s not easy, certainly not in today’s world. Many will question your faith, even mock your belief in God. These are some of life’s pitfalls. No problem with Jesus, we simply maneuver around them and jump over them.

So never let the world rattle your faith.

Instead, we rattle the world with our faith.

We rattle the world by relentlessly bringing God’s Word forward. By continually keeping a high moral standard in our family, and ensuring it exists within our own communities. That’s how we answer the Godless world. That’s how we place more God into it, by never letting His Flame become extinguished.

Instead, we ignite the Christian flame, and ensure it spreads to the furthest reaches. We fan His flame, answering those questions about our hope, (Luke 12:49). This inspires others, makes them ponder, and hopefully, become a part of God’s fiery flame that spreads more by the day.

The more we stand, the more we speak, the more our Christian faith builds. The more Christians become emboldened, to share their faith, and answer those questions about our hope.

We have never ending hope, we have never ending belief, as God surrounds us. He is evident through the world we live in, (Romans 1:20). His marvels are all around us. We are even a marvel of His handiwork, (Deuteronomy 4:32).

So we press on, and move forward, always pushing aside the mockers of this Godless world. To make way, for the hope and promise, of Eternal Life with our Heavenly Father.

In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

Titus 1:2
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