This Is Why You Shouldn’t Fret About The Elections…

The airwaves are filled with political pundits telling us who will win the next Presidential election.

Folks, from here on out, we’re going to see political signs in yards and on pickup trucks. Television and internet ads will be filled with political propaganda, all to obtain, your vote.

Yes, each political party will continue to spend their precious days and nights on earth, smearing the other guy and tearing him down.

Ohh, but don’t forget about us little Joes!

That would be us taxpayer type folks, we shout and berate those who don’t agree with our political persuasion. You see, in our little Barbie doll mind, only our opinion matters or counts, to heck with the other 8 billion people on the planet.

So we’re tossing the niceties out the window…

We’re going for the jugular!

It sounds like Heaven on earth, doesn’t it?

So that’s what happens when you get too wrapped up into politics. That’s what happens when you let it consume you, when it’s the only thing you tune into. Slowly and without noticing, your Christian faith takes a backseat to the political paranoia.

Yet, through all the diversions, bickering, and fighting, through all the division and hatred, we’ve forgotten the Bible in all of this…


How so you ask?

We forgot what the Book told us about…


Ohh, don’t get me wrong, the word “election” in Scripture doesn’t refer to our political process, but rather solid, devout, and true Christian folk. Nevertheless, God does talk about political elections in the Bible. You might not believe it, but God tells us how elections go down, and even, who will win them!

That may surprise some of you, so without further ado, let’s open the Good Book…

Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Ahh yes, the verse we’ve read a million times by now, but it’s the same verse we forgot about, a million and seven times.

By the way, “power” means, “authority.”

Simply stated, God will “arrange in an orderly manner,” God will “appoint,” and God will “determine” the next President of these once United States of America. That’s what “ordained” means. God has it all figured out, God already knows who He will place into the Oval Office.

We just have to wait until November to find out.

As Christians, we know this, yet somehow, we always manage to lose sight of it. Instead of leading with Scripture, we lead with our favorite political figure and their supporters. You know, the favorite political show, podcast, blog, whatever. We always place those things before God’s Word.

Why is that?

  • Do we think God is not relevant enough?
  • Do we not care?
  • Or is it just so much more exciting watching and participating in all the political drama?

I don’t know folks, you’ll have to answer that one for yourself.

Now, just in case there’s any doubt about this subject, I want to cover another verse for you…

Daniel 2:21
And he [God] changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

Also: Daniel 5:18

Yes, God giveth and God taketh away.

God places our leaders in power, and God removes our leaders from power.

God places all world leaders into their positions of power, all in order, to fulfill prophecy.

Now I want you to think about that a bit more…

That means, that when there’s a lefty in office, God put him there, just the same as when someone from the right is in power. God doesn’t play politics, but He does give the people exactly what they deserve, and exactly what they ask for. I’ve talked about that in the past…

You see, thousands of years ago, the ancient Israelites wanted a king.

That’s right, instead of God Almighty, they wanted a king they could go look at.


People are people, why does everyone bicker, fight, and tear down their neighbor over a politician?

It’s the same thing.

So, God wanted to ensure the people received exactly what they requested, and here is what God had to say about the whole deal…

1 Samuel 8:11
And he [God] said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots.

Did you catch that, the king will “take” your kids away from you.

The same thing happens today, we call it fighting wars and “protecting democracy.”

What else would the king do?

1 Samuel 8:14
And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants.

Today we call it, taxation, and even, “imminent domain.”

1 Samuel 8:15
And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants.

More taxation, only in those days, it was limited to 10%.

Today, we’re taxed on our income, we’re taxed on the food we buy, the fuel we use, and the vehicles we purchase. Today, we don’t really “own” our homes. You see, we have something called “property tax,” and if you don’t pay it, the king gets the house.

1 Samuel 8:16-17
16 And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work.

17 He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants.

If you want to thank someone for this curse, you can thank the ancient Israelites who sealed the deal long ago.

So look, we’re going to have some king reign over us, that’s guaranteed. It’s also guaranteed that you’ll get to keep less of what you earned, as the spoils will go into the “kingdoms” pocket. They always do, we’ve seen it forever, and it just keeps on keepin’ on.

God said it, God meant it, and it’s been this way for thousands of years.

Plain and simple, it’s not going to change until Jesus Christ appears.

Until then, you’re going to get some king who will take what you earned. God will even select said candidate according to the people in our nation, they’ll get the king who best aligns with the moral compass of the people.

  • So why bother fighting with your family and friends about who it is?
  • Why fight over which king will extract what you earned from your pocket?
  • Why destroy relationships over someone you’ll never meet?

I honestly don’t get it, especially since, God will select the candidate, and place him into office.

For the record, I’m not saying don’t vote.

You should vote, you should get involved, that is, if you’re moved by one of the candidates, just know, ultimately, God does the selecting.

After watching the debate last night, I had some commentary to share, click here for that…

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