South America Blames Biden For Historic Border Surge

Everyone’s favorite President is being blamed for the southern border crisis that never seems to go away. Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico all blamed the Biden Administration’s welcoming tone for the historic border surge.

The Guatemalan President said,

“The very next day [after the Biden administration’s welcoming message], the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”


Imagine that.

Hey, if you are going to publicly welcome illegal immigrants into your nation, then criminals will take advantage of your foolishness.

Breitbart adds, the Salvadoran President attributed the surge at the U.S.-Mexico border to three reasons:

  • A lack of economic opportunities
  • The absence of security in Latin America
  • Incentives provided in the United States

U.S. “incentives” have always been the problem. For far too long, illegal immigrants have been able to run across the border, and have their baby which then becomes a U.S. citizen who is entitled to government benefits.

The answer to the border crisis lies in changing foolish provisions such as this.

The common American has been talking about the southern border for generations and generations. That’s a clear indication that no one wants to fix the never ending border crisis which only seems to get worse.

Wrong Border Agenda

The Biden Administration, like others, always look at our southern border as a charity case. They explain why we need to let people through, they suffer from poverty, they are refugees, and so on. In reality, that’s all lip service. Radicals always love to spin a web of lies around the truth to sucker you into their agenda.

VP Kamala Harris attempted to do that recently by telling would be illegal aliens, they should not make the trip to the U.S. That made it sound as if she did not want them in our nation…

However, the truth revealed itself when NBC host Lester Holt asked Harris,

“In the news conference here in Guatemala City, you had a message for would-be migrants, don’t come. Why should they believe you when they know that people are getting in?”

Harris response was very telling,

“I’ve been working on this issue for a very long time, and the kind of violence and danger that is associated with that trek, especially when we’re talking about from Guatemala, through Mexico, to the United States. It’s extremely dangerous. We are looking at a situation where people are fleeing because of hunger, because of the hurricanes, because of the pandemic. So, the reason I am here is to address those issues, knowing that the people who are here for generations, they want to stay. They don’t want to leave. But they need opportunity. They need assistance. They need support.”


So there you have it.

Harris’ concern was the trek was dangerous, not that illegal immigration is destroying our once great nation.

Look folks, most nations on earth are poverty stricken. It’s impossible for the United States to help them all. It’s even more illogical to conclude we can allow hordes into our nation without destroying it. Further, we will only help a minute fraction of people at the expense of our own peoples well being.

If Harris is so concerned about poverty, then she should visit the Golden State city of Los Angeles where the poverty rate is over 20%. Further, 27% of that number is composed of Blacks, while nearly 26% is Hispanic.

Doesn’t she want to help Americans of color in need?

Only when it fits her agenda, that just goes to show how warped and twisted people like Harris really are. All while trying to prey upon your heart to drive their divisive agendas.

Border Encounters

So that brings us to the Southwest Land Border Encounter numbers. May 2021 became one of the worst months with 180,034 border encounters with federal agents. A border encounter indicates how many times federal agents encountered illegal aliens trying to cross.

It does not indicate specific individual encounters. Unfortunately, some in the conservative mainstream media are spinning this news to make it sound even worse.

The official press release helps us understand,

The large number of expulsions during the pandemic has contributed to a larger-than-usual number of noncitizens making multiple border crossing attempts, and means total encounters somewhat overstate the number of unique individuals arriving at the border. Thirty-eight percent of encounters in May 2021 were individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months, compared to an average one-year re-encounter rate of 15 percent for Fiscal Years 2014-2019.

U.S. Customs And Border Protection

So there you have it.

Due to Title 42, people are being turned away at our southern border. Once they are turned away, illegals are trying to cross again at a later date to get into our nation. According to the press release, the 180,034 encounters all led to expulsions.

In the end, Democrats and any Republicans who support illegal immigration are only seeking to drive a global agenda. One that seeks to erase national borders.

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