Surveillance State: National ID Comes To The Philippines

The surveillance state continues to spread across the globe. Just days ago, the Philippines kicked off a new national ID initiative. The goal is to get 9 million Filipinos registered on the new platform by the end of the year.

The Poor Enroll In National ID First

The Philippine government will knock on the doors of the poor in order to register them first on the new national ID system. Registration will become available for the general public in 2021, and the goal is to register the majority of the population by the end of 2022.

The purpose of the system is,

To provide a single and all-purpose ID for government and business transactions.

What kind of business transactions, and why are they focusing on the poor?

For Digital Government Assistance

The government website poses the same question and they provide us with an answer.

Why is PSA focusing the registration on the low-income household heads for this year?

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritizing low-income household heads in the registration process aims to enable them, with their national ID, to open bank accounts so that they would be able to receive their government assistance digitally. The goal is to ensure that at least one (1) member of low-income households, who lack identity documentation, has an ID sufficient for opening a bank account.


Once again, COVID-19 is to blame.

Further, the poor are being enrolled first so the government can provide them with “government assistance digitally”.

That sounds like government welfare in the form of digital assets. We have heard about a digital dollar in our own nation. That is where this is all leading us.

It gets worse.

National ID For A Cashless Payment System

The national PhilStar news outlet tells us,

Mandated under Republic Act 11055 enacted in 2018, the national ID program aims to replace over 46 different government IDs such as that from pension funds and provide convenience to the transacting public. Over time, the Department of Information and Communications Technology foresees the ID as a tool to open bank accounts and to digitally transact as a cashless payment system.

There we have the real reason.

To bring the people together under one system so they can be a part of a “cashless system”.

While that is the imminent goal of the Philippines, that is the goal of those seeking to implement a new world order. Bring the people together under one system of control, one government, one ID, one currency for all.

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