Yelp Will Mark Business Pages Accused Of Racist Conduct

Yelp, the local search and review site will now post “alerts” on the pages of businesses if customers or employees have reported incidents of racism against them.

Let’s let Yelp tell it.

So now businesses will be flagged on Yelp if someone basically leaves a bad review, or there is a report of racism.

What happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?

If you think this is a good move, then look at the double standard already taking place.

As you can see, Yelp does not consider it hate speech for a reviewer to leave a comment about all white people in a restaurant. I did not realize that was a sin, but we will certainly be on the lookout for it from now on.

You know what else is acceptable to Yelp? Sexual misconduct when it comes from companies they must approve of. Does Uber have any marks against them?

Better question, how about Yelp…

Just last month Business Insider ran this headline,

“At Yelp’s Phoenix office, some insiders say a ‘boy’s club’ atmosphere fueled racism, sexism, and a hard-partying culture — on top of regular verbal abuse from customers”.

Maybe they should flag themselves since they do not adhere to the ethics they promote.

By the way, look at Yelp’s employee training. If you follow the link there are several screen shots that will show you what kind of business this really is.


They are a great company folks (insert sarcasm)!

Continue to support them by using their service so they can flag more Christian and conservative businesses while turning a blind eye to the lefties.

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