I Just Tested AI, This Is What It Can Do

By now, most of us have heard what artificial intelligence (AI) can do.

However, few of us have actually tested it out.

I did, and I’m going to share my story with you.

Just days ago, I updated some of the software that runs my website. When the update was complete, I got one of those annoying popups, which never happens after an update.

Oh, but this was a special popup…

It was an advertisement highlighting a big new feature in the software I had just updated. It explained, I get a free trial of a new AI system. It promised to help me write my articles, and even build computer code to run this site. I pay for all my software, but this company just found a new way to squeeze more buckaroos out of people’s pockets.

My first thought was, “They’re crazy, I write my own content.”

Hey, I loathe the idea of machines writing articles and manipulating the public, not to mention putting them out of business. I prefer a man to do that task! That way, at least we have someone to blame, right?

So there I go…

“Click,” and that popup disappeared, and I moved on with life.

Ah, but AI refused to let me be…

So a few days passed by… Then I found an article from Barrons titled, “AI Poses ‘Extinction’ Risk, Say Experts.” It was a bit doomish to say the least, the article stated,

Global leaders should be working to reduce “the risk of extinction” from artificial intelligence technology, a group of industry chiefs and experts warned on Tuesday.

A one-line statement signed by dozens of specialists, including Sam Altman whose firm OpenAI created the ChatGPT bot, said tackling the risks from AI should be “a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war”.

I told you, doomish.

Then I jumped over to OpenAI, you know, the company Sam Altman runs.

Here’s what he, and a couple of other people wrote,

“Given the picture as we see it now, it’s conceivable that within the next ten years, AI systems will exceed expert skill level in most domains, and carry out as much productive activity as one of today’s largest corporations.”

Governance of superintelligence

Could this really be, and if so, why the heck are we continuing to build AI systems?

This would (will) have an absolutely devastating impact on the world.

These doomish details quickly reminded me about my new AI capabilities, even if they’re only for a limited time.

So like the guy in Dirty Harry, I thought to myself, “I gots to know” what AI is capable of… So I flipped a switch to test it out, I was shocked and impressed at the same time.

Now, for the details…

My AI Experiment

I logged into my website, pulled up the AI prompt, and see several pre-filled options…

All I had to do was type what I was after…

So I clicked, “Craft an about us section for…” and I added, “world events and the bible”.

Here’s what it kicked out in about 10-15 seconds.

Here’s the text of what AI provided.

Welcome to World Events and the Bible, your go-to source for understanding the world around us through the lens of biblical prophecy. Our team is composed of dedicated individuals who are passionate about sharing the truth and unpacking the complexities of global events from a biblical perspective.

We believe that the Bible provides invaluable wisdom and insight into current events and that understanding these events is crucial for navigating our world today. Our goal is to offer timely and relevant analysis that is grounded in biblical truth and that helps our readers make sense of the rapidly changing world we inhabit.

Whether you’re a seasoned student of the Bible or simply curious about the intersection of faith and current events, we welcome you to join us on this important journey of understanding and discovery. Thank you for choosing World Events and the Bible as your trusted source for news and insight.

Can you believe it?

That’s a pretty nice summary of my site, and well written I might add!

Mind you, just because I’m running this software on my site doesn’t mean it knows anything about my site. Once I typed, “World Events and the Bible,” it went into its little AI mind to discover everything it knew about the subject.

Yes, AI distinguished my site from just the simple phrase itself!

Oh, but I see that look in your eye, you’re not convinced…

So up I pulled the prompt again,

This time I clicked, “Offer a few sentences to invite visitors to…”

All I added was, “our community forum”.

Once again, here’s the text.

Welcome to our community forum! If you’re looking for a space to connect with like-minded individuals, share your thoughts and ideas, and learn from others, then this is the perfect place for you. Our forum is designed to foster a supportive and engaging community where people can come together to discuss a wide range of topics. From current events, to personal experiences, to hobbies and interests, there’s no topic too big or too small. We encourage you to join in on the conversations, ask questions, and share your knowledge and expertise with others. Our community is inclusive and open-minded, so whether you’re a long-time member or a new visitor, we welcome you with open arms. Come join us and become a part of our vibrant community today!

Now honestly, you would have never known if I wrote that or not, except for the use of the word “inclusive,” which I’d never use.

Oh, but that look is still in your eye…

You’re still not convinced, you think it’s tied to my site somehow.

Well then, let’s try something more difficult…

Back to the prompt I go, I clicked, “Create a blog post for…” and all I added was “Revelation 13”.

The text:

Revelation 13 is a chapter within the Christian Bible that discusses the emergence of a powerful beast, often referred to as the Antichrist. The beast has ‘ten horns’ and ‘seven heads’ which symbolize its ultimate authority over the world. The beast is known for its great power and ability to deceive and control people.

Throughout the chapter, the beast is said to receive its power from ‘the dragon’, another symbolic figure representing Satan. This description of a powerful evil entity has been interpreted in different ways by different scholars and religious groups. Some interpret it as a warning of a literal beast that will appear in the End Times while others see it as a metaphorical warning about the dangers of evil, greed, and corruption in society.

Overall, Revelation 13 is a powerful and thought-provoking chapter that embodies the religious principles of hope, faith, and the struggle between good and evil. It inspires people to examine their own lives and strive to be their best selves while remaining vigilant and aware of the dangers of the world.

At this point, I was absolutely blown away!

If that’s not a basic summary of Revelation 13, then I don’t know what is.

As I sat there baffled through all of this, I decided to click some of those drop-down boxes.

I clicked, “Change tone,” and there was an array of options. So I clicked “Witty,” and repeated the process. The idea then, is for AI to create a blog post about Revelation 13 in a “witty” tone.

Here goes…

Once again, the text output:

Hold on to your horns and tails because things are about to get wild in Revelation 13! This chapter tackles the emergence of a beast like we’ve never seen – ten horns and seven heads, now that’s a creature with some serious authority! This bad boy is known for its deceptive and controlling ways, and it receives its powers straight from the dragon itself. Yikes!

Now, scholars and believers have their own interpretations of this powerful evil entity, with some seeing it as a literal beast, and others taking it as a metaphor for the dangers of society. No matter what your views are, one thing is clear – this chapter packs a punch in reminding us of the struggle between good and evil.

So let’s take a leaf out of Revelation 13 and strive to be our best selves while staying aware of what goes on around us. Let’s beat the beast with our own strength and resolve!

Yep, AI can even pump out a summary of Revelation 13 using a sense of humor.

For the record, AI did not create this output by simply using my website. Instead, AI has harvested data from the entire internet. So yes, that would include my site.

By the way, I repeated the same steps several times, and each time, there was a different output. So these were not pre-canned responses.

Now, since there are still probably some skeptics out there, let’s do one more.

I pulled up the prompt this morning and clicked, “Create a blog post for…” and I added “old trucks”. Hey, I’ve never, ever written about old trucks on this site.

The text output:

Old trucks may look a bit rusty and weather-worn, but they hold a lot of sentimental value for many people. These vehicles were the workhorses of their time, transporting goods and people across the country. Today, old trucks can be seen as collectors’ items, museum pieces, or even as daily drivers for enthusiasts.

Apart from their history and story-telling value, old trucks have some practicality to offer as well. Many models were built to last for decades with solid engines and frames that are still reliable today. Restoring and maintaining an old truck can be a rewarding hobby that brings back memories of simpler times. Plus, these vehicles offer a unique driving experience that can’t be found in newer cars.

If you own an old truck, make sure to show it off and keep it running. Who knows, it might become a family heirloom that brings joy to future generations. And if you don’t own one yet, consider checking out local listings and auctions to find your own piece of history on wheels.

There it is.

This clearly displays the most basic power of Artificial Intelligence. Mind you, I am only using a Beta release tool, and for a simple website. You can go to OpenAI and open a free account to really take AI for a spin.

I’ll probably pass, I think I’ve seen enough to understand where we’re going.

AI can not only write articles, but produce images, write code, crack algorithms, and math problems and so much more. AI is probably one of the worst inventions devised from the minds of men. It has the power to replace mankind on so many levels, all from the data that you and I have produced for decades.

From our hard work and hobbies, a few people are making billions of dollars off this technology… Technology that was created and nurtured along with all of the information on the “free” internet.

One can only imagine where this will take us…

This technology is only in its infancy, and it’s already disturbingly impressive.

  • How much longer until AI turns society on its head?
  • How many jobs will be replaced with AI?
  • What kind of world will we inherit?

As I said once before and I’ll say again, we are living in the disinformation age, and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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