The Modern Age Is Causing Burnout In The Work Place

This is a real problem, companies continually reduce their workforce and rely on the remaining staff to take care of the problems. This, of course, results in employers taking advantage of their employees by calling them or texting them off hours and the people put up with it, they feel obligated and want to help…

The modern age of technology was supposed to make things easier, not harder. Instead, we see the wealth gap widening and the middle class pushed further down the pole.

Technology, instead of making things easier as we were promised, has made many things more complicated. It has made us and our families more distant than close.

In the age of social media, we find people competing with people.

‘Their car is better than my car, wow look at the house they bought.’…

On and on it goes.

Did God ever say to worry about those things?

No, He said to take no thought of the things you need, He already knows what you need before you ask Him, (Matthew 6:8).

I think too many people are caught up with the modern way of life, they forget the ol simple way of life.

You know, when our families actually sat around the dinner table, when they looked and talked with one another.

When families spent quality time together playing real games. When you went on a picnic in a park together and you didn’t mind showing up in that ol station wagon.

The times when you thought, I must be the luckiest person around to have a roof over my head and a family who loves me.

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