How Can We Change Theological Error?

Name: Gary
Question: I agree with everything you say about strong delusion in the ends times – the era in which we find ourselves living today. I want to add, however, that not only are the atheistic secular humanists buying into that delusion, but so are professed Christians – and not only those in the liberal mainline churches. Even those in the Evangelical churches espouse beliefs, doctrines, and practices which either cannot be found in Scripture or are contrary to clear Scripture to the contrary, but have been passed down as tradition for so many generations now that they are securely embedded in the Christian mindset.

There is a tremendous amount of misinformation out there on what the Bible does and does not in actual fact state on assorted theological issues. So my question to you is what can we do as individuals to combat this deluge of theological error? I send E-mails to various internet ministries to set the record straight on various false teachings, but for the most part, I might as well talk to a brick wall. They refuse to engage in objective, rational discussion of what the Bible either says or does not say, because they love their presuppositions, long standing traditions, and pet preferences & prejudices more than they love God’s Word. It is very frustrating, but at least I’ve taken a stand for the truth and God knows it.

Answer: Gary,

Good morning and thanks for reaching out.

Yes, thedelusion of the last days is in full swing!

You have a great question here.

We had a Reader Question not that long ago along these lines, more political though. It’s titled, What Is Our Role As Christians Today?

To add to that, why not start your own group or organization?

People do it all the time.

Why not you?

This could be a local community organization/group or even something online. Hey, we all can make a difference in some fashion. If we never started this site, we would not be having the conversation, right?

As individuals, I truly believe we need to be involved in our communities. When you give people time and get involved in their life. It shows you care about their well-being.

While you may not be able to change a church’s mind, if you provide value in someone’s life, they will respect you for that. They will listen to what you have to say. Hopefully, you can help bring some to Christ or clear up their understanding of Scripture.

No matter what you decide here, remember to take it to God in prayer. Ask Him to guide you.

Your Email Outreach

Concerning your email outreach…

It sounds like you are trying to do a good deed.

Just remember, in your communications always be respectful.

Flip the table on your email.

Before you click send, how does it read if you were the receiver?

Think about it, if the receiver feels insulted, they are going to reject everything you are saying. Even if what you said was truthful. As Mom always told me, “you catch more bees with honey”.

Even if someone opposes your view, if you present your case respectfully, you can get people to listen to you. They may not agree, but if they listen, then you won half the battle. So always remember that. When we talk about religion and politics, the first goal is to get the person to let down their natural defensive mechanism and just listen.

At the same time, even if you do accomplish that. People may not listen anyway for the reasons you already outlined. It’s a tough go Gary, it really is. Don’t get discouraged, and as you said, God knows your heart and He knows you are trying.

In the end, no one is ever going to agree 100% of the time. What I think about a verse may mean something different to you. If there were no denominations, I think the world would be a lot better off. Everyone just needs to read the Bible for themselves without everyone else telling them what it means.

Hey, we all need help, but I think you catch my drift.

A Look In The Mirror

I also believe everyone needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard Christians say, “you do not have eyes to see or ears to hear” if you do not believe *insert belief here*.

These types of people basically think, if you do not believe as they do, well then, God is not with you. These types have been conditioned to become ridged by their Pastors and denominations, it actually becomes cult-like.

They adopt beliefs without even consulting the Bible. They simply echo what the Pastor said, and they forget what the Bible said. They have heard a Pastor say something so many times, they cannot even see what the Scripture actually says.

It’s truly dangerous.

So when people say, “you do not have eyes to see or ears to hear”.

All they are trying to do is guilt someone in their point of view. That’s shameful and something small-minded people try to do. Stay away from those types, and do not become one of them.

Hey Gary, thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekend!

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