We Kill Each Other For Dirt

As I cruised the news this morning, I thought once again how insane our world is.

Since the dawn of time, man has killed man for dirt.

It’s remarkable really.

If you get dirt on your hands, you want to wash it off. However, man will kill man to stand on top of it. That’s what wars are about. Who can own the dirt, and how many gold coins can be extracted from that dirt. That’s a simplistic explanation, but go ahead and expand it to the modern era, it scales.

Today, the world is filled with wars and divisiveness, over dirt.

In Ukraine, they’re essentially duking it out for a large portion of dirt. Now, if you’ve read my site for any length of time, then you know Ukraine was attacking their own in Eastern Ukraine, since they were predominately Russians, culturally speaking. However, it all comes down to a fight over dirt.

That brings us to Israel…

The nation is smaller than New Jersey, yet it’s caught the attention of the entire world. They say it’s about terrorism, but it’s about dirt. It’s about Israel capturing the tiny Gaza strip so they can claim it for themselves. Some Israeli politicians have already said as much.

Of course, this conflict has triggered more conflicts…

I speak of the one in the Red Sea, as the radical Houthis attack shipping vessels in the region. Those vessels carry gold that was extracted from someone else’s…


So we have ideologies in the world that oppose one another, but in the end, it all comes down to who rules the dirt.

Our politicians are the root cause of the madness and greed.

One element of madness revolves around a piece of dirt known as Taiwan. The gold in this nation comes in the form of silicon chips, not the eating kind my friends. In another development, U.S. military advisers were deployed to an even smaller chunk of dirt known as Kinmen.

Yes, we’ll kill and die for anything.

In Israel, the United States is the sole cause for the death and destruction. I say that, as we’re providing all the bullets, missiles, and bombs that Israel is using. The same is true for Ukraine. Yet, our illustrious leader just said, the fighting in Gaza is “over the top.”

Prior to this, U.S. Secretary Blinken said, what happened to Israel on October 7th “cannot be a license to dehumanize others.” Yet, we’re the sole cause of the dehumanization of the Palestinians in Gaza. Without bullets, you cannot kill.

Thou who makest the bullets shall bear the blood of the innocent.

Sorry, I don’t remember which verse that is, you’ll have to forgive.

Of course, our politicians are just providing lip service.

If they really cared, they would stop funding Israel and Ukraine.

Regardless, let me tell you what’s “over the top…”

The fact that our nation keeps providing weapons of death. It would not be “over the top” if we just nosed our way out of the whole affair. But then, we couldn’t extract more wealth via partnerships. The gold mining must continue — at all costs — so some fat cat can become even fatter.

After all, it’s what mankind has been doing for thousands of years.

Look back at ancient history and you’ll see all cultures admire gold. Today, gold comes in many forms. It comes in the form of oil and rare minerals. Why there’s even bitcoins that are counted as gold today.

In order to have this wealth, you need dirt.

So, man will continue to kill and maim in this modern Babylonian world.

That is, until “Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all,” (Revelation 18:21).

The day when man finally gives up on his conquest for dirt and the gold it contains. The day when “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD,” (Ezekiel 7:19).

What a day that will be.

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