This Reader Is Really Upset With Life

The days we find ourselves in are pretty tough.

Then again, life has always been tough — for everyone — throughout history.

I think we tend to forget that, and I think we focus on the negative aspects of life far too often. A case in point was an email exchange I had with one of my readers named John. He seems like a nice chap, but a frustrated one.

He’s frustrated with the idea of life itself.

He’s frustrated that God placed him on earth to live a life knowing he will end up dying anyway. To John, what’s the purpose of life, what’s the point of life, when each new day greets you, and brings more evil, trials, and pain?

My friends, those are the wrong questions to ask, and that’s the wrong way to perceive life. Despite an unruly world of men, the world is filled with beautiful things. The world is filled with opportunities for you to learn and discover.

However, you can only accomplish that by staying positive, and focusing on the good things in life. I have more to say, but for now, let’s read some of the emails John sent me, and my response to them.

John: A question for you…

Why do humans bother to diligently look after their health every single day when they will eventually die anyway? I mean they cannot escape death no matter what they do. All the money in the world cannot buy life everlasting itself. So why in the world even bother to make oneself well? Is this not a very stupid exercise?

It does not make sense, and I don’t feel right with this very thought.

What do you think I should do?

As I grow older each day, and closer to death, the more I feel stupid doing this very thing. And I HATE the WAITING GAME, as I call it.


Brandon: John,

Good morning.

We all know we’ll die one day, you’re right, there’s no escaping that one.

However, life is about living and living well.

Life is about having experiences and feeling good going through each and every day. When you eat right, exercise, and keep moving, it makes your body feel much better, and you’re health will be much better, which means you’re going to be a happier person.

Christians should be happy people, we have hope of eternal life through our Lord and Savior.

So I don’t see anything wrong with being fit. I see it as a good thing. To me, life is all about quality of life.

Generally speaking, people who eat badly and don’t move a lot have bad health, which leads to suffering and more health problems. Even getting up off the couch may seem like a choir. We shouldn’t live like that.

So in the end, being in shape means you may only live to 75 like everyone else, but you’ll feel much better doing it, and have fewer health troubles along the way.

I hope that helps.

Thanks for reading.

As you’ll see in John’s email response, his concerns are more than just health…

John: Thanks for your email.

Your explanation does make sense, a little bit, but the problem is living this life is not easy. Considering what sort of problems each and every one of us is facing every single day. It is like from the moment you wake up, you are greeted with non-stop attacks of pain and heartaches left and right.

If it is not the war in Ukraine causing the world’s commodity prices to soar, then it is the global warming phenomena causing havoc. Shortage of food supplies, and the destruction of what you have worked hard for, your house…

So how can life be sweet when you are forced to restart your life again, when your house is reduced to rubble? If there is an ounce of happiness to enjoy in this life, it is fleeting, there are more pains to be had than joys.

So I feel humans are better off just sleeping and never waking up to nightmares anymore. I mean what is the point?

Life on earth is like reading a storybook…

You wake up to problems. Then you struggle to find ways to fix them, and then you die. It shows a clear waste of all the precious efforts you put into living your life well. Death is just waiting at the end, ready to pour in all the tortures He has happily prepared for every human on this earth.

So why do humans have to continue on living, only to face this painstaking process of dying? I feel sad and stupid at the same time.


Brandon: John,

Sure, life can be tough, but some of us are a lot tougher than the problems life throws in our direction. At the same time, I don’t focus on the bad things, I’m aware of them, I talk about them, and I help people overcome them through God.

Otherwise, you just dwell on the negative and it will consume you.

The news specifically…

However, the world to an extremely large degree, is whatever you make of it. For example, when the sun rises today, what are you going to do with your time? Dwell on the world’s problems or do something positive?

If you focus on the world’s problems, well then, you’re letting someone else’s problems and propaganda dictate your life.


I don’t believe in doing that.

I believe in making your own way and living a happy life.

Despite the world’s problems, they are the world’s problems.

In the 1970s, they said it was global cooling, now they say global warming. It’s propaganda for a few to make billions and possess more power. Believe that or not, it’s up to you, but the glaciers have been melting since the end of the last ice age. No one ever mentions that.

So you have to be a little wiser than the world John. Hey, this is Satan’s world, he is the god of this world, (2 Corinthians 4:4). So we should expect some speed bumps, but the roads are not paved with them, unless you let them be.

You know John, God said, nothing happens to you that doesn’t happen to someone else in life, (1 Corinthians 10:13). So go serve Him, and make a good life for your family. If I can do it, then you can do it.

I will also say, God did not prepare any tortures for you.

God does not place burdens on people.

By the way, I don’t look at death as a bad thing. It frees you of this world and provides you the opportunity to meet God. Death is a part of life. It’s been happening since the beginning, so no reason to fear it. Just enjoy your time while you have it, but brother, this life is just a passing moment.

One day, we’ll be back with God, and He will wipe away every tear you ever had.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Revelation 21:4

John and I had numerous email exchanges after this. It became extremely clear, John is very troubled and needed prayer. I’ve said a few prayers for him, hopefully, you can say some as well.


My friends, the moral of this story is very simple…

Don’t let the world dictate to you your life. Never allow another man to direct your life. Your life decisions are yours, and they’re between you and our Heavenly Father.

  1. Control what you can control.
  2. Make positive changes where you can.
  3. Forget about the rest.

We create our own problems in life.

We do that through our eating habits, which then later in life create health problems that we typically blame on someone or something else. “It’s my genes” or some excuse, it’s never looking in the mirror.

Our health problems are more often than not a product of our life decisions. A product of our lack of focus on our health. We also make bad financial decisions and then complain about how we cannot afford anything.

  • God never said to live like that.
  • God never said you need every widget under the sun.
  • God never said, to “eat out every day,” which typically breaks the budget.


  • God said to work hard, (2 Thes 3:10).
  • God said to be responsible, (Pro 22:6, Col 3:23, Rom 14:12).
  • God said to care about your own family, and help people when you can, (1 Tim 5:8, Jam 1:27).

I cannot stress this enough…

Don’t let the world’s problems, become your problems. Moreover, never blame God for the troubles that come your way, that’s just asking for more trouble and rebuke from our Heavenly Father, (Jer 23:33-40, Phil 2:4).

Focus on the positive things in life.

Focus on the things you can control.

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