Topic: Christianity


This Is What Scares Most People, What Do You Think?

The world has always been a crazy place, but it feels different these days. Doesn’t it? I mean, in the past, we’ve always complained about politics. We’ve always complained about taxes, and how much things


Don’t Be An Unteachable Christian

As people, and especially as Christians, we’re to always remain teachable. What does that mean? It means, we should never think we have it all figured out. If we do, we most certainly fell into


What Does IXOYE Mean?

IXOYE is an acronym that means, “Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior.” I’ll cover the details, and the history of the Christian fish symbol.


Why Are Pastors Supporting The Wars?

Have you noticed that lately? Pastors of all shapes and sizes are supporting the raging wars in Ukraine and Israel. It’s not just pastors though, it’s Christian organizations and Christian media outlets. They have a


The Kingdom Of Men And The Kingdom Of God

We know, we’re in the world, but not a part of it. Today, I’ll provide a different take on that, one that includes preaching the Gospel and those who reject it.


This Is How Jews Treat Christians

What if I told you, in Israel, the Jews spit, accost, and even attack Christians? Would you believe me? Probably not… It’s something you’ve never been told, and it flys in the face of what


Baptize The Trannies Says The Vatican And The Biblical Past

The church isn’t crumbling, it’s crumbled. If churches aren’t busy closing up shop, the ones remaining are teaching perversion and filth. Not all and absolute of course, but my friends, organized Christianity is in dire


Is The Return Of Jesus Imminent?

It’s an intriguing thought… Could the return of Jesus really be imminent? It would seem, we have all the recipes for such a prophetic event to occur.


69% Of Christians Live In Fear, Do You?

My brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we have a problem. Fear. That’s right, fear has gripped the Christian faithful, even more than I imagined. In fact, 69% of U.S. Protestant pastors say, there is