Why Are Pastors Supporting The Wars?

Have you noticed that lately?

Pastors of all shapes and sizes are supporting the raging wars in Ukraine and Israel.

It’s not just pastors though, it’s Christian organizations and Christian media outlets. They have a vested interest in sticking with the mainstream narrative and embedding that within the minds of the Christian faithful.

I hope that paragraph triggered some thoughts…


  • Why do they have a vested interest in the narrative?

The answer, church tradition.

Church tradition says, “Jews are God’s chosen people.”

Supporting Israel and Ukraine also happens to be the official U.S. government position. For churches that are 501(c)(3), you don’t want to get too political, but if you do, just stick with the narrative. The bucks will keep flowing and the government will stay off your back.

We should also realize, it’s extremely difficult to press against official narratives. They’re funded by billions of dollars from the media and government. So in order to press against a narrative, you better have done your homework.

Not many people do real homework these days, and not many pastors want to rock the boat.

No, I’m not judging, but friends, let’s not have our heads in the clouds either.

So with that laid out, the mainstream message comes to the minds of the Christian faithful…

Priming The Narrative In Your Mind

You see, when a pastor tells you something, you’re more inclined to believe it. I mean hey, he’s a man of God, so he must know what he’s talking about.


That should have just triggered some more thoughts…

There are kajillions of different Christian denominations out there, so that means, all pastors don’t know what they’re talking about. If they did, we would have one truth, not several thousand.

So then, shouldn’t we question what we’re told, instead of blindly following along?


Double yes!

Even triple yes!

Hey brothers and sisters, that’s exactly what the Bereans did with Scripture, and that’s what we should do with everything in life, (Acts 17:11).

So let me tell you what I’m talking about…

The Ukraine Narrative

Recently, Christianity Today had an article that discussed securing our southern border, while also providing aid for Ukraine. The authors point, the two are mutually exclusive, we can and should do both at the same time.

Now look, right off the bat, such thoughts come from the minds of people who are too focused on the world. They haven’t thought through the subject they are trying to convey to you. Instead, they’re just regurgitating what they heard someone else say already.

You can’t learn from people like that.

The fact of the matter is, as Americans, our primary political concern is America.


If we don’t have our Christian American culture, we’ll lose our faith.

Our faith will blow away with the dust of time.

If you don’t believe me, just walk out into the world these days and see how well Christianity is doing.

It’s not doing.

Anyway, the author leads off with this bit…

“U.S. leaders are locked in a power struggle over whether to prioritize helping Ukraine or addressing the crisis on our Southern border.

I believe we need to do both — urgently.

To explain why, let me share the story of the Ukrainian refugee mom I met one night in Eastern Poland.”

There we go…

Let’s play on the ol emotions with a heartfelt story to sway the flock.

My friends, don’t make decisions in life based on emotions. Emotions are great, they’re fantastic, God made them, but they’re not for making life decisions. So don’t allow someone to distort your emotions to make you agree or disagree with something.

That’s just disingenuous, and it’s the wrong way to approach life.

All right, so the author goes into a diatribe about this awful story, and it is.

People are dying in war, it’s sad.

However, we can easily flip the script here…

Why didn’t the author bring up the eight years Ukraine has been killing its own people? You know, the people who live in Eastern Ukraine, the region known as Donetsk and Lugansk. Let me tell you why, it’s politically inconvenient.

No one wants to blow up their theory by telling you the other side of the story.


No one’s honest anymore, and/or, they cannot logically think through a subject.

I know, I know…

Some of you are still thinking, “What’s a Donetsk and Lugansk?”

Ahh, you must be a new reader, and you need an education on the war in Ukraine.

Just search this site for “Donetsk” or “Lugansk.”

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

The fact of the matter is, the media and pastors are only telling you one side of the story here. They only tell you about the horrors that fit in with the mainstream. They completely leave out the part where thousands and thousands of Eastern Ukrainians have been whacked by their government for eight long years.

So let’s not act like this is some new thing, it’s only new to some of us.

My point in all of this, pastors need to shelf the pro-Ukraine chatter. Ukraine is and always was a losing battle, and telling your flock to support them is counter to our faith. You’re supporting war, blood, and death.

Where again did God say to do that?


Hey, our nation is not in a military war, we’re in a culture war. So let’s focus on the homefront, so we can save our own culture, before it and our faith are wiped off the map. And don’t even give me that America is blessed by God business.

The ancient Israelites were blessed by God too, but they left His side, and He left them.

Ya dig?

Next up, pastors unwavering support of Israel…

The Israel Narrative

A whole slew of high-flying evangelical leaders penned a letter to Congress.

The gist?

So Congress will financially and militarily support Israel.

In fact, this is the first line,

We the undersigned leaders of American religious communities and organizations join herein to defend the Jewish people, the State of Israel, and the values that unite us as people of faith.”

You know what I can’t stand more than anything?

People asking other people to go die for their cause.

If you want to defend the Jewish people, then you go die for them.

Don’t ask me or my money to do it for you.

You go do it, if you care so much.

You know, that’s one quick way to see how much someone really cares about something. If it requires blood or even sweat, most people will just wander away from theirvalues.”

So what did they petition Congress?

“We call on the United States Congress to without delay take the following specific steps”

They go on to list seven steps.

Seven steps to support Israel, and they all include sending even more billions of dollars to the Jewish state, and making more laws so you can’t say “Jew” without being called a bigot.

Ohh and more chatter about Iran, shocker.

These evangelical leaders end their letter saying,

“We call on Americans of all religious backgrounds to join us in pledging our unwavering commitment to stand by our Jewish brothers and sisters.”

Now think about that part in bold there.

  • “Our Jewish brothers and sisters.”

That’s an oxymoron.

Look, you can be my Christian brother or sister, but you sure can’t be my Jewish brother or sister.


Our faiths are incompatible.

I mean really.

The Jews don’t believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah, they’re still waiting for there’s.

Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, and only through Jesus can you find salvation.

So pray tell, how on earth can Jews be our brothers and sisters?

It’s preposterous.

These evangelical leaders have to know this…

What’s even worse though, if such a thing can even be said?

It’s the first quote that I shared with you…

The quote that you probably read right over.

So let’s have it again…

That first quote ended with these Christian pastors and leaders saying,

“…the Jewish peoplethe values that unite us as people of faith

The values that unite us?

When I read stuff like this I’m flabbergasted!

I pray we all know what the word “value” means, “principles or standards.”

What “principles or standards” do Christians and Jews have in common?




Look, Jews don’t believe in Jesus Christ, so that alone shows we have nothing in common. Secondly, you do realize they have their own holy book, right?

No, it’s not the Old Testament, it’s a book called the Talmud.

Here’s just a sample of ‘Jewish values that unite us as people of faith.’

  1. Jews can lie and deceive Gentiles.
  2. Jews can steal from Gentiles.
  3. Jews can murder Gentiles.
  4. Gentiles deserve death for hitting Jews.
  5. Slapping a Jew is like slapping God.
  6. Disregarding rabbis deserves death.
  7. Jews can have sex with 3-year-old girls.
  8. Jews can have gay sex with 9-year-old boys.
  9. Gentiles enjoy bestiality.
  10. Gentiles prefer Jewish animals for sex instead of wives.

Are those the values that bind us together?

I hope I don’t have to answer that one for you.

Ahh, but some of you are thinking, “Whatever.”

If that’s your thought, then you don’t know who it is that you’re supporting, and that’s the point of this article. People are conned into believing this or that, so someone can gain from your lack of education.

My top ten list came right from the Talmud.

Go ahead, read the link, it has the source quotes linked right to the Jewish Talmud. You can read and see for yourself what Talmudic Jews really believe, and it’s not any Christian value you want or have.

So if I know these things, how can these highly educated evangelical leaders not know it?

They do, they have to.

I mean,

  • Have we all forgotten what our Bible says?
  • Have we all forgotten about the Pharisees?
  • What religion do you think the Pharisees had?

It was the Jewish faith.

Haven’t you read the Book of Acts?

Who do you think was persecuting the Apostles?

It was the Jews.

These evangelical leaders certainly know that.

Yet, they’re leading you right into supporting a people who hold values counter to Christ’s. In so doing, Christians are supporting an evil cause. Hey, you don’t support people who don’t support Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you’re helping do the Devil’s work, (2 John 1:10-11).

So then, what’s the overreaching point of this article?

To think for yourself.

Don’t let someone else do your thinking for you.

Not a pastor, not a politician, no one but you.

Otherwise, you’re being used to support someone’s agenda.

An agenda that is anything but Godly.

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