This Is How Jews Treat Christians

What if I told you, in Israel, the Jews spit, accost, and even attack Christians?

Would you believe me?

Probably not…

It’s something you’ve never been told, and it flys in the face of what Christians are commonly taught today. However, what if I could prove it to you? What if I could show you articles, images, and even video…

Would your lying eyes allow you to see the truth?

Today, you may leave this site shocked…

In Israel, many Jews despise Christians, even spitting on them, and attacking them. In Israel, it’s illegal for Christians to proselytize to minors, and the government even tried to punish Christians with prison time for preaching the Gospel.

Now, let me prove it to you.

In Israel, Jews Regularly Spit And Attack Christians

I don’t want you to take my word for it…

Let’s take a look at some news coverage, specifically from Israeli news outlets.

How many of us are aware of this?

Surely our Israel supporting churches are aware…

Why are we not being told?

I’d ask for you to take that up with your pastor, respectfully.

Despite increasing Jewish attacks on Christians, the Israeli government sees no problem with this type of behavior toward their “Judeo-Christian” brothers.

Now, before you begin to think this is some new or isolated event, let me assure you…

It’s not.

This has been going on for decades, all “far away from the public eye.”

Jewish hatred for Christians goes back millennia.

In fact, spitting on Christians is even an “ancient Jewish custom.”

Israeli “settler” Elisha Yered said,

“It’s a good time to mention that spitting near priests or churches is an ancient Jewish custom, and there’s even a special blessing in Jewish law that should be recited when you see a church.”

Isn’t that something?

Mind you, an “Israeli settler” is not someone who seeks out life on the frontier. In Israel, there is no frontier. Instead, an Israeli settler is someone who moves into Palestinian land, and builds a new illegal settlement in order to push out the Arabs.

Ahh, but never mind that…

Instead, consider this.

As Christians, we’re constantly told about “antisemitism.” We’re told how so many people hate the Jews, and how we must protect them. Christians are even told, it’s our Godly duty to protect the Jews. However, the Jews certainly don’t feel the same way.

Instead, they continually attack non-Jews, while shouting “antisemitism” at the first sight of danger. I hope that disturbs you, and I hope this article makes it to your pastors inbox. More Christians need to realize what has been occurring in Israel for decades.

Perhaps, just perhaps it’s time for Christians to close their wallets, and stop donating to Israel…

Jews Spitting On Christians

All right, so far I’ve shown you news coverage, which proves my point.

However, we all learn better through visualization.

So let’s look at a few videos, shall we?

No, that wasn’t an isolated incident as I’ve clearly proven.

As we’ve learned, spitting on and showing disdain for Christians is widespread in Israel.

In this next clip, Jews accost and spit on two nuns for minding their own business.

Now, those first two clips are mild compared to the next one…

Those Jewish children learned that behavior from their Jewish parents.

In Jewish households, it’s completely acceptable to spit on, curse at, and attack Christians. Even women. If the children are doing this, imagine what the adults are doing, imagine the hatred their Jewish parents are teaching them.

Interestingly enough, I found that video from this post which states…

Israelis are FINALLY defending their land against Christian Fundamentalist occupiers. The desecration to the Holy Land caused by the presence of inherently idolatrous Christianity is so unaddressed that it’s consequences are now worse than Palestinian and Islamic terrorism.”

Christian fundamentalist occupiers?

How the Jews love our money and support, just as long as we stay out of “their land.”

Ohh, but they speak with fork in tongue…

In a separate post directed toward Christians, the same author states:

To our Christian friends: Your Holy Land is under Attack by Iran-backed terrorist groups and NATO does nothing to protect it. Pray for Israel!”

Yes, now it’s the Christians “Holy Land,” which of course, is under attack by Iran.

As always, Christians are being used for their money and military support.

Make no mistake about it, the Jews do not want Christians in Israel. They do not want to hear about “our” Jesus, they believe He is a false prophet, and to serve Him is to be an idol worshipper, which is worthy of death.

You think I’m kidding?

Watch this…

Christians Are Idol Worshippers And Deserve Death

In this next video, some Christians are preaching as they’re confronted by Jews, including the police.

In the video, a Christian mentions we should have mutual respect for each other, the Christian and Jew alike. The Christian in the video says to a Jew,

“Do you want to honor God, that is the Godly thing to do?”

The Jew responds,

The godly thing to do is kill you. That’s right’s, that’s what the Torah says. The Torah says that people who worship idols, such and yourself, when there is a Sanhedrin…”

The Christian completes the sentence saying “To kill us.”

The Jew confirms,

Yes, that’s what the Torah says.

Christians are idol worshippers.”

According to the Jews, Christians are idol worshippers, and they should be killed.

Don’t be shocked…

These are “Judeo-Christian values” that bind us together.

Israel Tried To Ban Christianity

Even more disturbing…

The Israeli government attempted to pass a bill that would have banned sharing the Gospel in Israel. It proposed to imprison Christians for up to 2 years if they shared the Bible in public. Mind you, it’s already illegal for Christians to share the Gospel with those under 18.

This subject was even covered by Newsweek.

Jewish Superiority

The reason for Jewish contempt is simple…

The Jews believe they’re superior to all races.

In fact, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz recently discussed this.

“The Jewish people was always ethnocentric. It believes in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations. This is a blatantly hierarchical conception, according to which the Jew is superior to the non-Jew. But throughout history, this was a supremacy that lacked the force of a state and an apparatus for wielding control over non-Jews.”


Today, the Jews do have a state which they use to wield control over non-Jews.

That state is Israel.

Since 1948, the Jewish homeland has been used as a tool to subvert Christianity. It’s been a tool to call the Jews, “God’s chosen people.” A view most Christians hold without even realizing what the Bible says.

What does the Bible say on this subject?

“For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly … But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly, in the spirit.”

Romans 2:28-29


There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Galatians 3:27-28

Such simple words…

Words that mean, those who accept Jesus Christ are God’s chosen people.

Yet, mega pastors from their mega pulpits just whisper, “Bless them, curse you…” and the Christian faithful go nuts for the Jews. Not knowing, God was speaking to Abraham, before there was ever such a thing as a “Jew.”


For decades, Christians have bought into the lie that the Jews are God’s chosen people. It led to the United States providing Israel with $4 billion dollars a year in economic aid. Not to mention, untold billions of dollars in aid from churches…

All to support a state that hates Christians, while deceptively keeping it “far away from the public eye.”

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