Topic: Economic

Cyberwar & Tech

God, Are We Even Worth Saving?

It’s an honest question. Our world is pretty messed up these days. When our leaders are not messing up the world, or reaping profits and power for themselves, then it’s us who pervert the world.


Is The Global Economy About To Go Kersplat?

I have read a lot of expert economic-related articles lately. I even braved a few comments on a financial blog. There happen to be some actual investors in those places who aren’t talking out the


What Will 2022 Bring Us?

That all depends on who you ask right? CNN is just figuring out, being overweight in the COVID era is an extra bad thing. So they will continue to pound on your door, telling you,


I Don’t Know What To Talk About Today!

Wow, who runs a headline like that? A crazy guy like me I suppose. As I rummaged through the news today, it just sickened me. After a while, it just becomes more of the same


Have You Noticed, No One Wants To Work Anymore?

On Saturday, my son and I walked into a UPS store to pick up a package. Actually, we looked through the glass and marveled at the sign. It said, “open Sunday’s 7am to 3pm”. This


Are We Worried About COVID Or Profit?

Did I ever tell you the world makes me sick? I tell you what, if I never wrote another article about COVID-19, I would be a happy camper. Yet, one headline caught my eye this


Mayhem Monday: The World Lost Its Mind, Again

You will never believe it, but over the weekend, the world became an even crazier place. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, but I want to tell you all about it this morning.