Our Leaders Are Corrupt, But We Jump Through Hoops Anyway

The more our world descends into chaos, the more I wonder why we put up with it. I suppose there are too many distractions, and most people are willing to jump through some hoops to get by.

How many hoops though?

How many hoops are you willing to jump through to get by?

We are going to talk about corruption within the political and economic ranks of our nation and world. I want you to remember, the hoops we are all jumping through, they were invented by the corruption who runs our world.

People who are corrupt are; criminals.

Why do we listen to criminals then?

Would you listen to the guy who busted through your front door demanding your wallet and car keys?

I sure hope not.

Yet, we listen to our corrupt government and financial elite as they are in power. They have titles next to their name, they wear a suit, and they appear on television to tell us what we must do to save ourselves from…

*Insert Crisis Here*

So, here we are, 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic. We all know, in the beginning, our corrupt leaders told us vaccination was going to save us.

Surprise, surprise, that turned out to be a lie.

Corruption And Incompetence!

77% of the United States has received one dose, 66% are fully vaccinated, ages 18 and up. Yet, hospital beds are filling up and there is no end in sight to the crisis. Biden has told us, “this is not about freedom” so get vaxxed.

Just the other day Biden said, “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

This all comes right after he botched the Afghan withdrawal. Allowed over a million illegal immigrants into the country, and called you a Domestic Terrorist.

Yet, we jump through hoops for the likes of corrupt leaders like Biden and friends. Our corporations are following suit with his illegal mandates that are now affecting people like you.

You now run the risk of losing your job, if you do not jump through the latest hoop.

Essentially, mandatory vaccination.

But don’t worry, the Republicans are going to ban some of Biden’s illegal mandates, (insert tongue in cheek).

So as you think about how many more hoops you are willing to jump through… I want you to consider who is placing these hoops before you.

Financial Corruption

For weeks now, I have been reading articles discussing corruption within the Federal Reserve banking system. On September 21st, the Wall Street Journal had an article that stated,

Two advocacy groups said two senior Federal Reserve officials who traded stocks and other investments while setting monetary policy should lose their jobs.

These boys have all the insider intel, they used that intel to trade stocks, a guaranteed win.


In fact, that article pointed out the Federal Reserve Presidents of the Dallas and Boston banks should retire.

Look what CNBC reported days later on September 27th.

  • Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan said Monday he is stepping down from his position following a controversy over his stock holdings.
  • Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren, who had come under similar scrutiny, announced earlier in the day that he was retiring.

So the allegations must be pretty good!

Now let’s get something straight here. These boys are not the only guilty ones.

In fact, Federal Reserve Chief, Jerome Powell bought securities the central bank purchased during the COVID pandemic. That is a conflict of interest, that is corruption.

Then we have 11 Democrats who violated the stock act of 2012.

More corruption.

Yet, these are the same caliber of corrupt leaders who tell us what we must do to protect ourselves from a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. These same leaders are telling us it’s okay to print trillions of dollars, it’s good for the economy.

All the while, we watch inflation shoot through the roof!

Inflation means, your bucks are worth less.

These corrupt leaders could not care less; they already have their cake, with frosting, and ice cream to boot.

In reality, the whole Federal Reserve concept is corrupt to begin with. I mean where does the Federal Reserve get its money to begin with?

Here’s what the Federal Reserve says,

Essentially, it’s made up.

They counterfeit dollars.

Fiat money.

In fact, with this counterfeit money, the Federal Reserve has bought up 34% of the entire market! They even own assets such as Apple and Verizon. Companies that are really in need, (insert sarcasm).

Infinite Corruption!

If that were not enough, Treasury Secretary slash former Federal Reserve head honcho Janet Yellen said, we should remove the debt limit. That’s right, remove the debt limit of the United States, so we don’t have to worry about this shutdown nonsense.

We always hear about government shutdowns, but they are nearly always avoided as the government; Republican and Democrat alike, agree to raise the debt ceiling.

Hey, if we removed the debt ceiling, we could print to the moon!

What is that called again?

Oh yeah, Modern Monetary Theory!

That’s when the government can spend, spend, spend, and never have to worry about paying it back, back, back.

Don’t you wish you could do the same?

I mean hey, who wouldn’t want to spend money they don’t have and never have to work for it. That means, you could live like a fat cat without ever working a day in your life.

When it comes to our corrupt government, that is a-okay!

When it comes to you, that’s negatory!

Medical Corruption

Do we really want to go here today?

Not really, so let me just a few things at you.

Pfizer ex-employee Karen Kingston said,

‘If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID’.


This actually covers a study conducted by Pfizer themselves.

Whoops, corruption.

Don’t worry though, Pfizer said the pandemic will be over in another year. Even better, Merck just filed an emergency use authorization for their new, COVID pill!

Ahh yes, add another pill to your daily dose.

Folks, honestly, why in the heck are we listening to these corrupt people?

Do you notice how the conversation is always controlled?


  • Did you get the vaccine?
  • Why you need the vaccine?
  • You must get the vaccine, or else.

You know why, if they talk about those things, they put the COVID narrative up for debate. Yet, it is not up for debate, as corrupt leaders are using this event to bring about a radical global transformation.

The World Economic Forum calls it, the Great Reset.

Alright, one more thing we need to discuss this morning.

Australian Corruption

Now the amount of hoops Aussies have jumped through has been unreal. We talked about that yesterday. Their corrupt leaders continue to enforce radical mandates that simply do not make sense, and remove the rights of the people.

  • Corrupt Seeds Bring Forward Rotten Fruit

The best part, corrupt Premier Gladys Berejiklian of New South Wales resigned!

That’s right!

Why it was just yesterday when ol Gladys explained how Aussies must get vaccinated, or they cannot participate in society. Today, she is resigning over corruption allegations by a watchdog group.

It really makes you wonder if some people are not pushing back, and that is the reason this surfaced to begin with, (same with the fed corruption).

Check this out.

It comes after the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) confirmed it is investigating whether she “breached public trust” or “encouraged corrupt conduct” in a bombshell statement outlining the probe.


Gladys “breached public trust” or “encouraged corrupt conduct”.

Yet, she has been condemning Aussies for not bending to her will. This is astounding, but this corruption exists everywhere.

As the famous adage goes, “absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

I suppose it will end when the people have had enough.

The unfortunate thing, without God, I just don’t see that happening.

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