God, Are We Even Worth Saving?

It’s an honest question.

Our world is pretty messed up these days. When our leaders are not messing up the world, or reaping profits and power for themselves, then it’s us who pervert the world.

We live in a time when the truth has been turned into a lie, (Romans 1:25). We live in a time when words like “God” and “Jesus” have all but left our vocabulary. These days, they are offensive to everyone, or so it feels anyway.

When we turn on the television or flip through our phones for news, we find more lies.

We read headlines and think, how can the people not know any better?

Why is this happening?

It’s all so frustrating.

Then I remember the sanity we can obtain by turning it all off…

Relishing In The Past

I recall back to the Summer of 2020, COVID doom for the world. Yet, for my family and I, we visited my Dad in Alaska. We were pretty much unaffected by the event for several months. In fact, if it were not for running this site, I would have never turned on the news.

But I did.

As a family, we would talk about what was going on in the world and shake our heads.

One day, Dad took us on a trip riding ATVs. We drove those things through mud, rocks, creeks, and steep mountains. The world outside of our bubble had vanished. It was a fantastic day.

When we got to the top of the mountains, we all got off our ATVs, and looked around…

Dad brought a friend that day.

I said, out here, looking at this, you would never know the world is in shambles. Everyone nodded or had their own bit to add. We looked down at some ants as they went about their business in the dirt building out their homes.

No one was there to tax the ants or to tell them where they could or couldn’t go.

It may seem silly, but nature governs itself.

God never told man to put his thumb on other men.

Wicked men decided to do that on their own.

In fact, God told man,

“Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”.

Genesis 1:30

God never told man to have dominion over each other as man does today.

No, that didn’t happen until the Israelites decided they wanted a man to be their king. Then, everything changed, (1 Samuel 8:7-18, see: Does God Appoint Leaders?).

I suppose I am sharing this with you to give you something to reflect on. Not only Biblically, but also considering how you live your life and what you allow into it. The more of the world we allow into our mind, the more it affects us.

When we allow less of the world into our minds, there is less propaganda to digest and analyze. Instead of spending time on that, we can spend time with family, riding ATVs in the mountains, and observing God’s creation.

I really didn’t plan for that bit, but maybe this reflection will help someone, even if its just myself.

Now, let’s brave the real world


If you listen to the mainstream media, our nation could very well become involved in another military conflict.

Is it just posturing?


If anything, I think it’s more of a distraction myself.

A distraction from what you ask?

From the COVID narrative that is/has fallen apart. From all the questions people must have. I mean think about it, the CDC has single-handedly unraveled the entire COVID narrative in about two weeks.

In the United States, the Supreme Court and State Supreme Courts continue to banish COVID mandates. In the United Kingdom, they just flushed mandates down the drain.

Honestly, do you know why I think that is?

Partly, the COVID propaganda was becoming unreasonable for the masses to believe after two years. You have masses of people gathering at rallies around the world fighting this.

They weren’t dropping dead.

Too many doctors have come forward for our governments to continue to ignore. The virus has a 99.9% recovery rate and masks and vaccines were not “stopping the spread”. The record cases proved that.

There are a million other reasons, but you get the idea.

Think about the fallout there should be over this.

In the case of the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was caught numerous times partying like it was 1999, in 2020. When everyone was supposed to be “socially distanced”.

You see, for the establishment, the elite, whatever you want to call the wicked leaders of our world…

The rules simply don’t apply to them.

The rules only apply to you little fish.

Does this not remind you of the days long ago?

The Oligarchy

The days we have all read about in the history books.

Where the oligarchy told the people what to do, and the people did it?

Today, we have a new oligarchy, only it’s global. It consists of what I call the old world order, or the current world order, the one in power today. The United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, etc. The oligarchy even consists of groups like the World Economic Forum.

All funded by your national government of course.

These are the people who know better than you.

They believe in things like man-made climate change. Those who don’t, simply do not have a voice, as the oligarchs, the ultra-rich of the world control all the voices. Those voices being the mainstream media.


  • What better way to distract the masses from the COVID fallout than to start a war?
  • What better way to distract the masses from well overdue economic woes?

So that in short, covers our wicked leaders. Those who only care about their own bottom line, while telling you they do these things for your “peace” and “safety”.

Man what damn fools they are, but we are the bigger fools for listening to them.

We The People

Now that right there, that brings us, we the people into the equation…

The little fish.

Before we go thumbing our noses at our rotten leaders, we must remember that we too have fallen short, (Romans 3:23). We too engage in sin, deception, and we too are liars and cheats. We do these things to pad our pockets or to fulfill sensual devilish desires.

Such devilish desires once again came from the Catholic Church.

LGBT Catholic officials stage mass coming-out in Germany” read one headline.

Don’t go thumbing your nose at the Catholics, you don’t even know what’s brewing in your own church.

So even when we say “God” and “Jesus”, it’s only in a watered-down form, and we only apply the parts of the Bible that we like. Anything we don’t, we ignore, cross out, and rebuff.

No, we as a people want to live our own way, according to our own doing. Our ministry of truth comes from other men, from what feels good. And damned be anyone who wants to get in the way of that.

Society now preaches, we must promote certain races over other races, so we are not racist. Society tells us, we must pervert the nature of man, so we are not discriminatory.

I wonder what those ants back in Alaska think about all of that…

As these things roll through my head, I think about what Genesis 19 must have actually felt like for Lot and his family. I think about Noah, and of course, the Tower of Babel.

It seems like we have gone full circle, but unfortunately, I think we have much more left in the tank. I think God is going to let us flounder and flop until mankind is on the brink of destroying himself.

God will not send Christ until there doesn’t even seem to be a God, (Mark 13:32, Acts 3:21). Sometimes, I wonder if God is echoing Genesis 6:6 in His mind, once again.

Much of these thoughts stem from what I have witnessed over the last few years. They stem from how I see Christians falling off the bandwagon. Christians renouncing their faith or treating other Christians like trash.

You don’t believe the way I believe, so to heck with you is how it goes these days.

You know, I have honestly asked myself, “What’s the point?”


Yet, there is much more that led to that thought than the covered content here.

Yesterday, I read an article that just added to it.

The Digital World

It was about, “The Metaverse”.

A new digital realm is being created where you put on VR goggles and enter this digital world. You can buy digital land, houses, boats, cars, and gear for your “avatar”.

That is, your digital self.

You buy these things with real money, from the real world.

To show you how insane it is, “A plot in the NFT-based world Axie Infinity went for a reported $2.3 million,” said Vice. In real money. Actually, it was cryptocurrency, but that came from real cash from the real world.

I must have spent 20 minutes flipping through that article and telling my wife about it.

Here is a clip of someones avatar buying food.

My wife and I looked at one another in dismay.

As I scrolled that article, someone spent $650,000 for “The Metaflower NFT Super Mega Yacht”. Yes, $650,000 United States Dollars.

My heart kind of sank.

I thought, who are these people that have this much money to burn on a digital world?

Here many of us are busting our humps to scrape by. Many of us are saving every penny for a house that just keeps moving further out of reach, thanks to our wicked leaders.

Meanwhile, records of people are sleeping under bridges while ~20% of all real estate is owned by “investors”.

Do you even know what people call a “home” or a “cabin” these days?

An unfinished shed!

Or a shack!

But you have people playing house over here in some digital world?

I mean, what has become of humanity?

Do these people have no real life or friends?

Is their life so pitiful all they have is real money they spend on fake things to make themselves feel better in a fake world?

I said,

“God, are we even worth saving?”

The more I read, the more I was disappointed in the human race. The more I read, the more it felt like the beginning of The Matrix. At least in the Matrix, the people didn’t know any better.

In The Metaverse, people willingly go in!

What a disastrous world.

One that no doubt lacks a church, certainly one of real substance.

As this all rolled around in my head, so did headlines like; let’s eat bugs, lab-grown meat, and population control.

I can easily see this digital world continue to be promoted, by our oligarchs of course.

Is it not a great way to reduce human consumption in the real world, while keeping the people distracted from the real world?

  • Who needs a real boat, when you can have a digital boat, in the digital world?
  • Who needs to eat prime rib, when you can have it in the digital world, which “reduces your carbon footprint”?

This whole digital world reminds me of the movie, “Surrogates”.

You get where I’m going…

Ahh, it’s all insanity.

It just reminds me how we are always about self, even if it means we step into a trap.

What else can I get “self”, what can I feed “self”, what other gratification can “self” have?

Meanwhile, millions in the real world go hungry. Millions have lost real family and their sanity from this COVID hype. Millions are losing real money through inflation in the real world so the fat cats can stay fat.

Speaking of inflation and manipulated markets…

Did you happen to catch the 1,000+ point drop in the DOW yesterday?

It came back to close up 99 points. So the market had a 2,000+ point move in a single day. 1,000 down, and 1,100 back up.

Who bought the dip?

Maybe it was the Plunge Protection Team, it certainly wasn’t me.

Ahh, but we have become too distracted by social media and imaginary worlds. Worlds that were once games played by children.

Today, they are played by adults.

Maybe these imaginary worlds and thoughts of living in space will vanish, and they are just a momentary fad.


Or maybe they are the next leap man takes in his great push away from God.

His push toward the modern Tower of Babel. His great push into self-indulgence where his every thought is only about entertainment and what more he can obtain, (Genesis 6:5).

It all really makes you wonder, are we even worth saving?

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