Topic: Economic


IMF Suspends Afghanistan’s Access To Funds & Thoughts

The International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday it suspended Afghanistan’s access to IMF resources, including around $440 million in new monetary reserves, due to a lack of clarity over the country’s government after the Taliban


Why Are These 10 States Leading The Economic Recovery?

Interestingly enough, the top 10 states leading the economic recovery are those controlled by Republican Governors, and primarily, they are red states. Most of these states re-opened much sooner than blue states. Hence, their strong


The Biden Catastrophes

It’s safe to say, we are witnessing some of the worst catastrophes in American history, all at the same time. From the horrendous pullout in Afghanistan, to COVID-19, to the border crisis, to the economy,


Wall Street Buys 17,000 Houses For $6 Billion

We wonder why housing costs have soared? Not only is the Federal Reserve buying mortgage backed securities (home loans) which suppresses interest rates, we have Wall Street buying up houses as an investment. Blackstone Group


Propaganda: America Should Become A Nation Of Renters

Housing has been a big topic of late due to its unprecedented rise. A rise we can blame on the not-so-Federal Reserve for continuing to purchase $40 billion dollars worth of mortgage bonds every single


Inflation, Housing, And The Wealth Gap

According to my crystal ball, 2020 was supposed to be the year the housing market started to nose dive. Needless to say, my crystal ball is in for some much needed repair. Then again, who