U.S., Canada Have Lost 3 Billion Birds Since 1970. Scientists Say ‘Nature Is Unraveling.’

WEB Notes: There is no doubt in my mind this is true. Drive across our country and notice all the farmland. Notice from the middle of our nation to the east coast satellite view maps show it all green…

It used to be filled exclusively with trees, now chunks of land as far as the eye can see are plowed fields. The trees in those areas are long gone. Nebraska, South and North Dakota, Iowa, and the list goes on and on.

Of course, it is going to affect our ecosystem. Just ask the Buffalo who used to call the region home. It really makes one wonder how much longer mankind could survive on the planet without God’s intervention. Our oceans are filled with plastic, so on and so on.

Pete Marra remembers birdwatching in the woods behind his childhood home in Norwalk, Connecticut, in the 1970s, gazing up at common nighthawks as they extended their long, pointed wings and soared through the air. “They were these aerial acrobats,” he said. “They did ballet.”

By the time he got to high school, the woods had been cut down to make room for houses, and the nighthawks had begun to disappear. Today the bird has all but vanished from his old neighborhood.

“They’re rare in Connecticut now. They’re rare in many places,” said Marra, now an ecologist who is the director of the Georgetown Environment Initiative. “It’s an empty feeling in your stomach that these same birds that you grew up with just aren’t there anymore.”

Source: U.S., Canada have lost 3 billion birds since 1970. Scientists say ‘nature is unraveling.’

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