‘Unprecedented’ Wildfires Rage In The West, Prayers Needed

Friends, all of our Christian brothers and sisters in the West could use some prayers right now. As I am sure everyone is aware, major fires have broken out in the West for weeks now and continue to get worse.

Record Setting Fires In The West

California has now set yet another record for fires this year.

To help put that into perspective, this USA Today article explains,

More than 90 major fires that have burned more than 5,300 square miles – almost the size of Connecticut – are raging in 13 Western states, according to a count by the National Fire Information Center. Thick smoke obliterated the sun in some areas, distant flames turning the sky orange in others.

The scale of these fires is massive!

The same article explains,

Northern and Central California were under siege as Diablo winds fanned the flames of roaring, historic fires burning virtually uncontrolled.

The symbology here is sure interesting considering the diablo winds are driving this fire. Satan is certainly not causing this, but these record fires are all over the West Coast which has been plagued by massive riots and civil unrest.

This year, just about anything that can go wrong, has.

Prayers For All

We have personal friends who are near evacuation orders. I am sure some of you have family and friends in the area as well. Keep the prayers going for all of our loved ones and the Christian family.

For all of those in harms way, comfort yourselves with His Word.

The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.

Psalms 34:7-9
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