3-13 Update: Russia Bombs Base, NATO Sends Weapons, Iran Joins The Mix?

The title might change with relevant and important updates as they come in. This post will help us track developments of the war, while commenting on them for our readers.

3-13-2022 Updates:

Side Note On Iran Missile Barrage In Iraq

WEB Notes: You see it in the news. It’s claimed, Iran has confirmed it launched several missiles into Iraq which exploded “near U.S. consulate”. How near? Who knows. Other reports said the missiles hit a U.S. military base. I call that part fake news. It’s claimed Iran attacked a secret Israeli base. I might believe that one.

I tried to access PressTV to see Iran’s side of the story, and the U.S. has them shut down. Try accessing RT.com to hear about Russia, and you get a 403 error. Who is cyber attacking who here? One-sided media? I see Iran has confirmed they attacked a Mossad training center in Iraq.

When war begins to grip the globe, anything can happen. Keep your prayers rolling up to our Heavenly Father. His will always prevails.

Fox: Dozens killed after Russian military attacks base just miles from NATO’s eastern flank

WEB Notes: Fox thinks it’s news that dozens are killed in war at a military base no less. Hey, in America we lose more than that in a weekend in our big cities and that’s not even a war zone!

Biden Administration Has Pumped Ukraine With $1.2 billion

Tass – “U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, in accordance with the memorandum of President Joe Biden, ordered the allocation of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of up to $200 million.

“This package will include further defensive assistance to help Ukraine cope with threats from armored vehicles, air and others,” Blinken said in a written statement distributed by the State Department on Saturday. As Blinken noted, taking into account this amount, the total amount of security assistance allocated by the current Washington administration to Kiev amounted to more than $1.2 billion.”

WEB Notes: $1.2 billion dollars that have and are going to weapons of war. Who profits? The U.S. war machine and the U.S. government if Ukraine is victorious. Ensure you read, “NATO Covertly Brought Ukraine Under Its Umbrella.”

Of course, this does not include the $13 billion dollars our government just allocated for Ukraine once Biden signs it. Why on earth do this? Ukraine is close to falling at this point, unless we have an escalation by the West…

Russia Says It Could Target Western Arms Supplies To Ukraine

Radio Free Europe – “A senior Russian official warned on March 12 that Moscow could target Western shipments of military equipment to Ukraine.

Speaking on state television, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow has warned the United States that it would see the deliveries of Western weapons to Ukraine as targets.

Ryabkov said Russia “warned the U.S. that pumping weapons from a number of countries it orchestrates isn’t just a dangerous move, it’s an action that makes those convoys legitimate targets.””

WEB Notes: Of course, any foreign nation that sends a convoy full of rearmaments is a legitimate target. Who in their right mind would think otherwise? Meanwhile, the media is hyping Russia attacking a military base in Ukraine as it’s close to a NATO border.

The West is thirsty for more blood. The headlines scream that they want NATO to get involved. Amazing situation.

Ensure you read all of our articles over the last two weeks on Russia and Ukraine. Critically important to understand what is happening. I also recommend the 2016 documentary, “Ukraine on Fire”.

3-11-2022 Updates:

EXCLUSIVE WHO says it advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent disease spread

Reuters – “The World Health Organization advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country’s public health laboratories to prevent “any potential spills” that would spread disease among the population, the agency told Reuters.”

WEB Notes: Well looky there. Even the World Health Organization knows there are “high-threat pathogens” in their country. I think we all know the US has funded these. We should all ask ourselves… Why in the H-E double hockey sticks is anyone playing with viruses?

We all know Fauci had no problem balancing the risks of a leak. He thought the research is too important. Who cares if it leaks out and creates a pandemic. These people are all madmen. Hungry for more power and control. Their sick!

Israeli PM Tells Ukrainian President Zelensky To Surrender

J Post – “Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy that he recommends Ukraine take the offer made by Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the war – which includes many Ukrainian sacrifices – in a phone call on Tuesday, according to an official in Ukraine’s government. According to the official, Zelenksy did not take Bennett’s advice.”

WEB Notes: So Israel’s leader calls for the Z-man to surrender, while our government creates $14 billion fresh American dollars for Ukraine. Got it.

Senate Averts Shutdown, Passes $13.6B In Ukraine Aid

The Hill – “The Senate passed a massive bill to fund the government and provide new Ukraine-related aid, sending the 2,741-page bill to President Biden’s desk.”

WEB Notes: The last I saw, Biden was set to sign the bill. If so, we just invented another $14 billion out of thin air and sent bombs, missiles and more to kill more men created in the image of God. I am quite sure, He is proud. Our politicians are disgusting, both sides of the aisle. Why do we continue to let them reign over us?

UN Council To Meet On Russian Claim Of US Labs In Ukraine

ABC News – “The U.N. Security Council will meet Friday at Russia’s request to discuss what Moscow claims are “the military biological activities of the U.S. on the territory of Ukraine.””

WEB Notes: This follows up on yesterday’s news below. It’s going to be interesting to see what Russia presents.

3-10-2022 Updates:

Russia Accuses U.S. Of ‘Experimenting With Bat Coronavirus Samples’ In Ukraine

Daily Mail – “Russia has today accused the United States of experimenting with ‘bat coronavirus samples’ and developing of biological weapons in Ukraine, without providing evidence, as Moscow continued its attempts to justify its brutal invasion.

The Kremlin’s accusation came after the White House warned yesterday that Russian President Vladimir Putin could deploy chemical or biological weapons in the country, and that it was using such accusations as a ‘false flag’ to justify their use.”

WEB Notes: The Pentagon’s Kirby said, the accusation is “laughable”. The Secretary of State’s Nuland said, Ukraine has “biological research facilities… we are working with the Ukrainians” to prevent the research from falling into the hands of the Russians.

Whoops! Did she just admit US forces are in Ukraine?

Notice, Kirby and Nuland both said, it’s “Classic Russian… To blame on the other guy what they are willing to do themselves”. Verbatim, well rehearsed! Say, what kind of biological experiments might ya be doing? Hmmm! Here’s more of the story.

3-9-2022 Updates:

Russia Destroys Ukrainian Maternity Hospital As Locals Use Mass Graves To Bury Thousands

NY Post – “Russian President Vladimir Putin unleashed fresh hell on Ukrainian civilians Wednesday — this time targeting helpless mothers and babies by bombing a maternity hospital, prompting Ukraine’s leader to again demand the world help.

“People, children are under the wreckage. Atrocity!” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted of the carnage in the already-besieged coastal city of Mariupol — where bodies are piling up so fast that locals have begun burying them in mass graves.”

WEB Notes: Folks, I am sorry, but I just cannot believe anything anymore. Maybe Russia did, we will never know the truth. However, if it happened as stated, I truly believe it would have been an accident. It just doesn’t make sense to do. The more the West “aids” Ukraine, the more hostile this war will become.

I have seen this too many times. The media had the same stories when Syria was the focus many years ago. Syria’s President did every evil deed under the sun we were told. Very little was ever found to be true.

Meanwhile, Ukraine President Zelensky stated of the incident,

“How much longer will the world be an accomplice ignoring terror? Close the sky right now! Stop the killings! You have power but you seem to be losing humanity.”

WEB Notes: There is no reasoning there. Only raging emotions, continually, on a daily basis. He blames the West for his problem, like a child. The media then beams this to your TV so we become conditioned, then our governments can further support Ukraine. It’s the goal folks, more on that tomorrow. Just know, the liberals own the media and this is, the liberal world order being pushed on the entire world.

Officials Fear That Putin May Deploy Chemical Weapons In Ukraine

Independent – “Western officials have “serious concerns” that Vladimir Putin will resort to the use of chemical weapons as Russia’s military forces remain bogged down in Ukraine.”

WEB Notes: Where o’ where have I heard this one before? Oh yeah, it was from back in the day when Syrian President Basher Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. That was some of the rationale for the US to get involved. One problem, HE NEVER DID!

Canadian And British Fighters In Ukraine?

CBC – “He said the Ukrainians have been asking the foreign fighters to sign three-year contracts with the territorial defence forces. Many of the volunteers are reluctant.”

Sky News – “A small number of British soldiers have “disobeyed orders” and may have travelled to Ukraine, the British Army says. The servicemen are “absent without leave” and could have travelled to Ukraine in a “personal capacity”, it adds.”

WEB Notes: The other day it was former US vets heading to Ukraine. Now Canadians are “voluntarily” heading there, but they had no problem watching their government remove their rights at home. Same for the British soldiers who are “disobeying orders” and might be headed to Ukraine.

PROPAGANDA! If this were true, then these dudes are the worst of all libs. If you couldn’t stand up for your rights in your own country during COVID, but you are going to die in someone else’s nation for their cause, you have a screw loose somewhere.

Saudis Refuse Calls With Biden On Oil Talks

WSJ – “Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere.”

WEB Notes: How about that, the Saudis rejected not one, but two calls from the U.S.! Try again Senor Biden, the bootlicking didn’t work. Apparently, the Saudis want help killing off Yemenis at the expense of our tax dollars. Meh, if it works for Ukraine, why not Saudi Arabia?

US Rejects Poland MiG-29 Offer

Department of Defense – “We are now in contact with the Polish government following the statement issued today. As we have said, the decision about whether to transfer Polish-owned planes to Ukraine is ultimately one for the Polish government

The prospect of fighter jets “at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America” departing from a U.S./NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace that is contested with Russia over Ukraine raises serious concerns for the entire NATO alliance. It is simply not clear to us that there is a substantive rationale for it. We will continue to consult with Poland and our other NATO allies about this issue and the difficult logistical challenges it presents, but we do not believe Poland’s proposal is a tenable one.”

WEB Notes: Ah ha! Interesting development. Poland offers the MiGs to the U.S., but the U.S. says no. Neither party wants to be the “one” to hand them over. Poland and the U.S. already talked about the details, so why this outcome…

Is Poland embarrassing the U.S. or are they all cowards? Don’t forget, Hungary banned arms supplies to Ukraine to CYA.

3-8-2022 Updates:

Poland Offers MiG-29 Fighter Jets To U.S.

Poland Ministry of Affairs – “The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the Government, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America.

At the same time, Poland requests the United States to provide us with used aircraft with corresponding operational capabilities. Poland is ready to immediately establish the conditions of purchase of the planes.

The Polish Government also requests other NATO Alliesowners of MIG-29 jetsto act in the same vein.”

WEB Notes: The above comes from Poland’s government website. The fighters will be given to the U.S. Government, who will what… Give them to Ukraine. This is a direct conflict between Russia and the United States.

In my opinion, it has been since the beginning. The U.S. is NATO, and NATO nations continue to arm Ukraine. Those are all acts of war, this is the worst. They are backing Putin into a corner. Pray to God, we are going to need it.

Previous Russia Ukraine Update Post

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