Here’s The Hypocrisy Behind The Raging War

The amount of hypocrisy, doublespeak and outright lying that takes place in our world is simply stunning. This is especially true during times of crisis.

These days, every day is a crisis.

Then there is little ol you.

You are bombarded with information by the second. The media and leaders you respect make points that ring a bell, but how quickly we forget their positions of the past. You see, words are words and actions are actions.

Jesus famously told us,

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 7:15-20

That simply means, the works (fruit) of an individual would reveal their intensions.

If you read those verses, you see Jesus was talking about everyone, especially pastors. There are some dirty birds out there. An evil or dishonest man will always bring forward rotten fruit. However, they are so good at what they do, many of us cannot even tell.

This all comes to my mind after reviewing the news this morning.

How about we dive in?

The Right To Life For Everyone.

Everyday, Ukrainian President Zelensky releases a video or two. In today’s he said,

If the world is set aside, it will lose itself. Forever. Because there are unconditional values. The same for everyone. First of all, this is life. The right to life for everyone. That is exactly what we are fighting for in Ukraine. This is exactly what these weak occupiers want to deprive us of. That is what the world must protect.

That is hypocrisy!

You see, when there is political gain, politicians will say anything. Zelensky clearly states, there is a “right to life for everyone.” Unfortunately, “everyone” does not include the unborn.


In Ukraine, women can have an abortion up to 24 weeks, that’s 6 months. Yet, at week 5, babies have a heartbeat. Nevertheless, life begins at conception.

Hypocrisy that will go unrealized by the masses.

We Are Funding The Murder Of Ukraine.

Super preacher Rick Warren chimed in on the latest mess we find ourselves in stating.

Everyday that the U.S. continues to buy 600,000 barrels of Russian oil A DAY, we are funding the murder of Ukraine. Appalling. Indefensible. Stop it now.

I hate to break it to people like Mr. Warren, but everyday our tax dollars fund abortion. In fact, every single year in the United States, there are roughly 900,000 abortions. Globally, try 73,000,000!

Where is the outrage?

The truth of the matter, no one really cares. Only when it can be used as a political tool of shame. In fact, our recent article that compared war to abortion, to date, has seen just a few hundred views.

No one really cares. Unless, they are told to care.

Since Mr. Warren mentioned oil, let’s talk about that.

The Saudi Arabia Suckup

Word on the street says, President Biden might venture from his Delaware hideout and boot scoot boogie on down to Saudi Arabian sand country.

Yeah, the nation he called a “pariah”. Even saying, there is “very little social redeeming value” in the Saudi government.

While he’s there, Biden plans to lick some boots in an effort to have the Saudis pump more oil. To calm global oil markets of course. After all, they are only at record highs.

The White House propagandist added,

“They (government officials) had the discussion, it’s in everyone’s interest to reduce the impact on the global oil marketplace.”


Oh, so its in everyone’s best interest to reduce the impact on oil markets. Yet, it’s not in everyone’s best interest to stop funding the war in Ukraine. I mean, if the West was not funding the war, less lives would be lost.

By the way, back in January, it was widely known the CIA and NATO were operating in Ukraine. Russia said this will lead to a “global collapse”.

But you see my friends…

When you’re a globalist pig, all that matters is wealth, power, and your liberal world order.

Don’t forget, as the official story tells it, the highjackers on the 9/11 planes were from Saudi Arabia. But hey, that’s ancient history, so just forget about it.

*** Insert distraction here. ***


White House Snuggles Up To Venezuela For Oil

You might love this one more than I did…

The White House is considering removing sanctions from Venezuela’s energy sector amid the ongoing Ukraine crisis which has sparked higher oil prices.

Daily Caller

So the United States is going to meet face to face with the socialists in Venezuela. The US is going to butter their biscuit in order to get Venezuelan oil. That means, the good ol U. S. of A. is considering removing sanctions placed on the radical nation.

Say, why did our government sanction Venezuela anyway?

To stop “the regime’s criminal activity and human rights abuses.”

Share America

Ah ha!

Another prime example, some abuses against us human-type folk are perfectly acceptable! This is just like Zelensky saying there is “the right to life for everyone”.

The reality is, only when it’s convenient!

Now, lest this news provides you with hope that prices at the pump will drop…

Let me dash that in pieces!

This won’t help ease the pain at the pump for American consumers.”

By the way, Venezuela’s authoritarian leader Nicolás Maduro,

Is even more evil than the world knew: He’s not just driving his own country to ruin, he’s apparently a global drug kingpin.

NY Post

Maduro is killing our babies by “flooding the United States with cocaine.”

Who cares!

The narrative has changed.

The U.S. is even buttering up Iran for oil. You remember Iran, when our government wants to go to war with them, they are the “axis of evil”. Don’t forget, Iran kills Jews (lies) and hangs homosexuals.

Again I say, who cares…

Your truck needs diesel and the globalists need Ukraine.

“C’mon man”, get your priorities straight!

By the way, if the White House makes such deals, expect the US to cut off Russian oil. Never mind the fact that Biden shut down oil permits and drilling in our own nation. What we are witnessing is the closing down of America for the great global merge.

It won’t be tomorrow, but slowly day by day, it continues year after year.

We Can’t Let This Massive Crime Against Humanity Happen – Trump

Just last week, former President Trump said, “Putin’s smart” for taking “over a country for $2 worth of sanctions”.

Clearly, there was no regard for life.

Then, his tune changed, and he flopped like a fish out of water!

Suddenly, what is happening in Ukraine is akin to a new “holocaust”!

Trump’s latest comments concerning the Ukrainian war…

Are all of these nations going to stand by and watch perhaps millions of people be slaughtered as the onslaught continues?” Trump said, according to a source. “At what point do countries say, ‘No, we can’t take this massive crime against humanity?’ We can’t let it happen. We can’t let it continue to happen.”


Do you see this?

“Crime against humanity”.

It’s only a crime against humanity when it can be used to push forward globalization. It’s only a crime against humanity when it matters to them. Hell, Putin wiping out lives in Ukraine was acceptable before, it was only $2 bucks worth of sanctions.


Trump even joked about bombing the s*** out of Russia via false flag. It was a joke, but is nuclear warfare really a joke? After all, in a leaked video, Trump said he threatened his friend Vladimir Putin that he would hit Moscow.

Our leaders act as if life is some game. They send your kids off to die in war for their own gain and betterment.

I hear nuclear war and World War III being thrown around like candy.

Do you have any idea what nuclear war would look like?

Here is a simulator, knock yourself out.

We’re talking about a 1 mile wide fireball. A nearly 6 mile blast radius.

Millions dead in one hit.

The United States W88 thermonuclear bomb is 475 kilotons.

The atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the 1940s?

Roughly 10-12 kilotons.

The W88 is roughly 50 times more powerful. By the way, it sits atop the Trident II submarine-launched missile. 12 Trident missiles can be placed inside one submarine, but treaties limit it to 8.

Yet, we want to sit and joke around about nuclear war and hitting Moscow as the President of the United States? These people are all freakin insane, but hey, he is a Republican, so you should vote for him.

Don’t you ever forget, this is the guy who brought you the COVID-19 vaccine(s) through Operation Warp Speed. Trump has proudly taken credit for it since the beginning.

The vaccines that have killed, and caused side effects for millions.

But I am sure, the more this comes out, he like CDC Director Walensky will continue to say…

Whoops, I was wrong, you were right.

Move along.

World War III Has “Likely Started Already”

As I said, everyone keeps talking about World War III.

In fact, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman warned World War III has “likely started already” amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“In January 2020, I had nightmares about the potential for a pandemic, but everyone seemed to think I was crazy. I am having similar nightmares now,” Ackman said via Twitter late Saturday.

This is the same scmuck who called for a 30-day national lockdown before the COVID lockdowns became a reality. By the way, he shorted the stock market and made billions when it collapsed.

He went on to say,

“The Ukrainians with the right weapons and resources have proven that they have what it takes to win the war, unless and until Putin goes nuclear,” he said. “Our reason for not doing more appears to be our fear of provoking Putin.”

Translation, we need to provide Ukraine more weapons so they win.

Where is the other side of the argument in all of this?

Oh yeah, it’s banned or confined to blogs like this one. There is no debate. The people are being brainwashed into a major conflict here.

Meanwhile, Putin has presented a four point peace plan, but no one is listening.

  1. Cease military action
  2. Change constitution to enshrine neutrality
  3. Recognize Crimea as Russian territory
  4. Recognize the Russian-controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states

That is extremely reasonable.

Item number 2 means, Ukraine would alter their constitution to state, they can never join NATO. If Ukraine does not take the offer, it’s clear the entire purpose for this war is for more NATO and Western influence over the world.

That’s obvious already, but it will be proven.

If we are so concerned about lives, then why not accept the deal?

Moreover, if this is true and Putin honors this, it also completely documents what we laid out in the very beginning, (see: This Is What Russia Really Wants).

We Should Have A Climate Emergency.

Never let a crisis go to waste…

Since oil is spiking due to global conflict, this wizard says we should have a “climate emergency.” These people are wicked. They want to take away your rights in order to save the planet.

How about they start by jumping off a cliff?

Of course, this isn’t the first time we heard about this. Why it was just last month when The Hill ran this one, Coming soon: Climate lockdowns?

Get it through your thick Barbie doll head, you are a pollutant that must be extinguished from the earth. It’s written in stone ya know.

Inflation And Schemes

You just remember, as groceries, fuel, and everything else go up (also driven by fear).

It was caused by the actions of your governments around the world. In the United States, our Presidents spent $11 trillion they did not have. They created 30% of all dollars in existence.

Did we really think they could do that without any consequences?

They don’t care about you.

Hasn’t this article proven that to you by now?

It’s just lip service.

  • Our leaders tell us, we need to stop humanitarian crises, then they back ones they formerly condemned.
  • Our leaders and megacorps tell us, we need affordable housing for poor minorities, but they push for more and more profits.

Case and point…

Mullen left Goldman, then founded Pretium in 2012, raising money from investors and plowing it into rental houses as well as bets on corporate credit and mortgages. In its early days, the company bought real estate at depressed prices, but as the market recovered, it learned to win deals by moving fast.

These days it employs software that scans real estate listings every 15 minutes. When its acquisitions team sees a home it likes, it estimates rent and a repair budget and aims to get a cash offer out within hours of the home going on the market. Pretium also works with homebuilders to develop communities of new rental homes.


You cannot compete with that.

The technology age has been an utter disaster.

It promised to be a voice and provide freedom for all, but it has been used to corner markets, and supress freedom around the world. The more AI matures, the worse off the average Joe will be.


Everything being broadcast on the television and internet is carefully designed and crafted to sway your opinion. To either divide you from someone, or make you agree with some cause.

Despite what they tell you, it will not benefit you.

The liars and deceivers are all around us, they are moving in.

We cannot recognize them as they are disguised as sheep, “but inwardly they are ravening wolves,” (Matthew 7:15).

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