We Have A Health Crisis On Our Hands People!

Folks, we have a health crisis on our hands.

It’s something people don’t talk about that much, but it’s an important topic. Hey, health is wealth. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. Unfortunately, our society has become complacent. The only thing we care about is doing what feels good and what benefits us in the moment.

That’s no way to live and it’s short-sighted.

If that’s our only concern, well then, we’re allowing our natural body to call the shots instead of our spirit, (1Jn 5:4, Eph 4:17-23). Scripture teaches us against that. Instead, we’re supposed to let our spiritual self call the shots, while keeping our natural body in check.

Yet, society tells us what’s socially acceptable, and far, far, far too often, Christians follow society’s lead. They listen to what society tells them is good and right. Don’t shake your head no. It’s true. From our food, to healthcare, to our spiritual direction, to everything.

You wouldn’t believe how many emails I get from fellow believers who know what is right, but they still have to ask the question.


Society has confused them.

I have more to say on that bit, possibly Sunday, but today, it’s health…

So, do you realize, that nearly 50% of all cancer cases are tied to obesity?

It’s true!

Hey, God didn’t create man to sit around on our duff and watch TV or play social media all day. Yet, that’s what most people do. Ohh and they eat, and they eat, and they eat some more. When they’re done doing that, then they eat some more.

That’s why nearly 42% of Americans are obese!

Yes, 42%!

Look, when God created Adam, what did God have him do?

Till the Garden of Eden.

God didn’t say,

“Hey, sit down there and have a cold one.”


Instead, God said get your rear end to work buddy.

So God created mankind to work, period.

Yet, modern society teaches us differently. They teach us and even reward us for not lifting a finger. They’ll provide all sorts of welfare and healthcare for you. Then, they tie those rewards to political parties so you keep voting for the party that gives you the goods.

It’s sick.

It’s man’s world, what do you expect?

So back to the health bit…

50% of cancer cases are tied to obesity, and 42% of Americans are obese.


I don’t know about you, but I do better with images…

Now folks, that’s ridiculous!

Why are we getting so big?

Yes, our waistbands continue to grow in size. Back in the year 2000, only 30% of Americans were obese, now it’s 42%. It’s our diets, it’s what we consume, it’s our habits, and I’ll even add, our Godliness.


If you are bagging around more weight than you’d like, I’m not saying you are not Christian. What I am saying, is that we’re not applying Godly principles to our life.

How so?

Look, I already explained, God created you for work, not to slug around. Moreover, if you read Scripture, you’ll find that God doesn’t like gluttons, and the Disciples set an example to fast. Yet, Christians rarely fast, but they regularly feast.

Hey, even Jesus fasted!

Yet, you never heard anyone say,

“We should fast, because Jesus did.”


Instead, we’ll use Jesus to divide each other over some Scripture just for the sake of being divided.


It’s easy to bicker, but it’s more difficult to make changes in your life.


That requires work, and we don’t like to do work.

Yet, that’s why we’re here…

  • We’re to work for God.
  • We’re to work for ourselves.

Do you realize that’s the main aspect of happiness in Scripture?

I bet no one ever told you that before.


Ecclesiasties 3:13
And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.

You see that?

Yes God wants you to eat and drink — in moderation — but He wants you to work. That means getting some exercise. Stretching the ol legs out a bit. We’re to work, then we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. Not excessively, not until you pop a button on your shirt or expand your belt.

Remember, the Disciples fasted.

You can do that for spiritual reasons and health reasons.

Hey, even science has shown, fasting is good for the body. Boy, just don’t do it when you’re traveling folks…

Did I ever tell you, I once fasted for 5 days?

That was the day the tire blew out on the RV. Yeah, lots of fun being famished and playing change the heavy tire. Ahh, but I lived to tell the tale!

At this point, I’m sure some people are still caught up on my remark about God not liking gluttons. Well, I might as well let you have it.

Phillipians 3:18-19
18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Now what did I tell you?

Society has told us to follow the ways of the world. If you’re over there gobbling down every sort of food you can, processed and all. Well then, you’re minding earthly things.

Do you see that bit in that verse about “whose God is their belly?”

It’s talking about gluttony.

It’s all some people care about, filling that ol void that just gets bigger and bigger. Hey God’s telling you, it’s not Christian-like. Don’t be a glutton. Otherwise, you’re more worried about the gut, instead of God. Moreover, it’s not a sign of discipline.

You do realize, people are less likely to take your spiritual advice if they don’t respect you.

Now I know some people are thinking,

“Gezz Brandon, you’re harsh!”

If you think so, then what do you say about this verse?


Proverbs 23:2
And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.

I think you get the point…

Yet, there’s more to our health than just overeating.

As we’ve talked about in the past, birth rates around the world are plummeting. Now, this is due to the modern world, and, the broken family unit, and, the lack of a need for people to have children. Hey, we don’t have farms and ranches anymore. We just run down to the store for our needs.

We don’t need a million kids to run the farm so we can all survive.

It’s a different world, I’d argue a worse world, but that’s another topic for another time.

So look at this…

Joy huh?

I know, I’m full of good news this morning!

So this is another aspect of our broken fertility and our health problems. If you think ingesting weedkiller is healthy, well then, I have some oceanfront property to sell you. It’s not healthy for you, it’s toxic.

Even worse, I found another article that said they’re even finding weedkillers in “organic” fruits and vegetables. That means, someone slapped the ol organic label on food that is not organic.

Say, no one would do that, would they?

Sure they would!

You live in Satan’s world my friend, and some folks would auction off your Mom for a buck!

Ohh, but here’s the best part…

The issue with weedkillers in your food and those “organic” labels is primarily from imported food! That’s right, our farmers have to adhere to strict principles and practices, but foreign nations have their own rules, and they can sell their trash here, which ends up on our plates.

What a racket, huh?

So even if you watch your weight, you can still ingest poisons which can later down the road, give you cancer. That’s the thing, if you eat bad, you know, boxed this, processed that…

Ohh and don’t say,

“Well, I’m healthy, this food is fine.”

Hey sugar, it’ll catch up with you. Just give it 10-20 years, it will catch up with you. Then you’ll have some illness or chronic problems and blame it on everything else except your own actions. It happens all the time, we don’t like to be held accountable for our own actions.

As Hall & Oats said, “No can do.”

So folks, this isn’t a Debbie Doomer piece, or a rag on you piece…

Hey, I’m wise enough to know 42% of my readers are probably obese. So this is me reaching out to you. This is an I love you, I want you to live a more Godly, happy, and healthier life piece.


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