We’re Opening A New Community Forum Today

We’re making some big changes.

Moving forward, comments are a thing of the past. Instead, they are being replaced with our new community forum. In fact, I just finished the last coat of wax, and the forum is waiting for you to take it for a spin.

No articles or comments are being carried over, it’s a fresh system for a fresh voice from all of you. On this website, you will now see a “Community” link in the navigation menu and footer. If you click it, it will take you to the new forum.

Don’t go there just yet, we have more to discuss.

As you’ll see, the forum is broken down into a few different categories.

  • Under the Blog category, you will find articles from our site where you can reply and chime in. Yes, including Bible Study, Bible Questions, etc, (as they become available). Those categories will be broken down into sub-categories, depending on if the article is a Bible Study, Current Event, etc.
  • Under the WEB Notes category, we will trial posting news tidbits there. You will also be able to reply to those notes. Depending on interaction, it will stay or go.
  • Under the General Discussion category, you will be able to create your own topics of discussion, and reply to topics already created by other users. (+ a Feedback category where this post will be)
  • Additionally, at times, you will find short posts on the forum that will not be on our site.

The forum software is state of the art.

It has everything anyone could ever want built into it. We even enabled social signup and login to make life easier for you. There’s user profiles, @replies, notifications, messaging, email summaries, activity stream, post bookmarking, search, link embeds including videos and photos, and much more.

It’s the real deal.

We did it for you.

We have been asked about a forum for years, but I never felt there was enough interest by looking at the number of comments we received. Then I realized, comment participation is typically very low internet wide.

In fact, there is a 90-9-1 rule, which essentially says only 1% of readers comment on a website. For blogs, only 0.1% of readers comment! It’s pretty grim, but it’s just the nature of comment platforms in general.

So that’s a big reason why we have moved away from comments and to a forum. The success of it relies solely on you, our loyal readers to energize it and make it a true community. The fact that you will be able to create your own topics is a big plus.

This too, is our last shot at comments and a forum. So if you have even the slightest interest, sign up, and let’s make this a successful endeavor for so many of you who want to fellowship with other Christians. This is your opportunity to make it happen.

So as you head over, make sure to read the “Welcome to our Community” topic on the forum, along with the “House Rules”. After you setup your profile, visit the “Introduce Yourself!” topic and do just that.

You can respond to this article as you normally would. Click the “comment” link under the site title, or click the big dark gray button toward the bottom of the site. Then, you will be taken to this topic on the forum.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Ohh, how do you find the place?


See you there!

P.S. You will need to create a forum account, even if you have an account on this site. We opted to keep the systems separate for ease of maintenance, security, and support.

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