A Thought On This Short Life

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Hebrews 9:27

While driving down the interstate a week or so back I saw a billboard that read, “When you die, you will meet God”.

I am sure many people are just terrified by that thought.

For myself, the billboard and this verse have a completely different meaning.

One of comfort.

I know God has sent each and every one of us here to decide if we will perform good or evil. To decide if we will follow God or the Devil, (John 3:16).

We make that decision on our own.

This is where the judgment part comes in. Now complete judgment will not conclude until after the Millennium. Nevertheless, after death in the flesh, that is the next course of action in our Father’s Master Plan.

This Life Is Temporary

The comfort comes in knowing this life we live: good, bad, or ugly is only temporary.

We only walk this earth under the sun for a very short amount of time. While I have a good life, and good health, others I know do not.

Then I look at our world which suffers daily, I see a world that starves daily, a world where people’s homes, jobs, and cities are destroyed, daily.

For them, the suffering seems like it goes on for an eternity, but these things will pass.

If we do not live to see the return of Jesus, we will pass on, and leave this cruel world behind. While it seems obvious, I want everyone to remember, you cannot take any possessions with you when you depart this place, (Ecclesiastes 1).

Sometimes, we live as if we forget that simple thought.

We Can Only Take Our Works To Heaven

The only thing you can take to Heaven are your works, (Revelation 20:12). The righteous acts you performed for God.

That is so important to understand in a world filled with greed.

Today, too many people are only concerned with adding more material possessions to their fold that are here today and gone tomorrow, even in this temporary world.

Imagine if more people strived for Christ.

Imagine if more people spent more time with their family and friends. The family and friends we often assume will be with us during our entire stay on earth. Unfortunately, it does not work that way, and oftentimes, we regret not spending more time with them when they leave us earlier than we anticipated.

Your Life In God’s Kingdom

Today, I want you to think about your life.

I want you to think about your goals in life.

I want you to think about what they mean for you, your family, friends, and most importantly, to God and your life in His Kingdom.

Will your actions today, benefit you in God’s Kingdom?

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