Where Do We Go From Here?

We live at another precarious moment in world history.

It seems like it was just yesterday when lockdowns shut our nation and world down. Confusion abounded as the public was pushed and frightened into accepting propaganda sold to us as a pandemic. Sure, there is a COVID-19 virus, but it has a 99.9% survival rate.

As time went on, more and more people began to see a bit more clearly. It was actually another one of those dividing lines, a dividing moment in time.

This is what I saw.

I saw people buy government and media propaganda hook line and sinker. The more peposterous the media spun the news, the more many embraced it. Then there was another sect of society that saw clearly, and rebuffed their devilish tactics.

There is yet another group, those who bought/buy into any and all conspiracies they could find.

How much has changed since those days?

Only the individual can answer that.

However, I do know, more Americans are finally starting to fight for their rights. I see it everywhere. A truck drove past me the other day with a 1776 sticker. My sister saw a t-shirt that said, “We The People… are pissed off”. We saw that in the form of a big window decal on another pickup.

Everywhere I go, I see Americans making a statement.

They’re mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore.

The other night, I think someone forgot to turn off a speaker and music blarred. I actually didn’t mind. I heard lyrics about “1776” and “Don’t Tread On Me”. All coming from a females home. That tells me, even the sweet gals have had enough of being pushed around.

Where I sit, I see a glimmer of hope…

In the past, most of us just took the gut punches. Christian conservatives are pretty tough folk who just want to march through life with their Bible and family in tow. However, we can only take so much from the world before we push back.

We are now pushing back.

Last week’s Supreme Court decisions are fantastic examples of that.

Then, just days ago, it was reported that a million voters switched to the Republican Party. Personally, I have never trusted elections, not with voting machines. Nevertheless, more and more people are beginning to see a bit clearer.

It would appear, the Democrat Party is going down in flames come fall. In years past, there has never been much of a difference between the two parties. Within the Republican Party its infested with RINOs.

So how much would things change if Republicans win the House and Senate?

A lot!

It would completely halt President Biden’s globalist green agenda. While both parties have always steered us toward globalization, no party has driven us there faster than the Democrat Party.

The last two Presidencies helped bring about the roaring inflation we are now living under. It’s not just happening here though, but around the world. Nevertheless, we see no attempt from the Biden administration to halt it.

Fuel prices are absurdly high. The best Biden can do is open our stratigic reserves which are now being depleted. All the guy has to do is let America drill. Yet, Biden is a greenie through and through.

Ohh, and in case you think electric cars are green. Then you might want to give this EV article a read.

Does this look “green” to you?

Lithium mine – Mining News Pro
Lithium mine – Portugal Resident
Lithium evaporation ponds

That’s what mining for Lithium looks like.

It wipes out entire mountains that will never come back. In China, they even bury the chemical concoction back into the earth which eventually makes it into the drinking water.

So don’t “green energy” me.

The whole climate change agenda is just another road to globalization. Long before man had pickups, the ice ages came and went. By the way, the data also shows that Mars is heating up.

So you can toss that climate change religion in the trash.

God never said destroy the earth, He said man was to “…have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth,” (Genesis 1:28).

Heck, God specifically placed Adam into the Garden of Eden for what?

And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Genesis 2:15

God placed man on earth to be stewards of the earth, not destroy it to make a buck.

But I digress, sort of…

So here we are again…

Like in 2020, we are at another crossroads.

Perhaps you forgot, but I’m still eyeing my “3 Points Of Economic Pain”. The spin masters in the media are beginning to utter the word “stagflation”. That’s where the economy becomes “stagnant,” but “inflation” remains high.

That would mean layoffs, lots of them.

  • That means, unemployment.
  • That means, people cannot afford shelter or food.
  • That means, more chaos.

So while we have a glimmer of hope today, it’s very possible it will vanish in the coming months. Of course, it’s also very possible our elections finally work and we can get some true red blood back in office and right some more wrongs.

Nothing ever goes up or down in a straight line. We are witnessing that very clearly today.

Looking forward, there will be more economic pain. Markets have been pumped with massive amounts of cash that severly inflated assets. Look no further than the housing market. A market that is now turning the other direction.

Even the jokers at the G7 recently said,

“All members are concerned about the crisis we are confronting – falling growth rates in some countries, rising inflation, raw materials shortages, disrupted supply changes – these aren’t small challenges.”

He’s right, they are not small changes.

They are radical changes by radical globalists.

Nuts like these people are the reason we have record inflation. They are the reason we have supply shortages. They are the reason there are food shortages in poor countries.

They did this to the world in order to transform it, and now, here comes the pushback.

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