WHO Questions Efficacy Of COVID Booster Shots, Says Not Needed

Ahh, we live in an insane world, but you already know that!

I tell you what, the more news that comes out on the COVID-19 pandemic, the more it just makes you shake your head. There is quite literally no real consensus on the matter.

Some scientists believe this, some believe that. Meanwhile, government and mega-corps are forcing the ol’ jab-a-rooski on some of us. In France, if you fail to comply like a good Comrade, you cannot buy groceries.

Spooky stuff!

WHO Questions Effectiveness Of Vaccines

Now we are all hearing about booster shots right now, how we need them, and so on.

But, check this out…

According to Forbes, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (that’s a mouthful),

Called into question whether booster shots are “effective at all,” a comment that comes days after the organization’s chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said “data today does not indicate that boosters are needed.” 


The Director of the WHO is questioning whether booster shots are “effective at all”.

To make matters worse, or better depending on your perspective. The WHO’s chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan is clearly telling us, booster shots are not needed.

Yet, in the United States, we are now being told booster shots are needed every six months as the effectiveness of the vaccine wanes.

So who has the truth here?

The U.S. government or the W.H.O?

Who knows!

Yet, you go get that darned shot or no soup for you!

It sounds like the clowns are running the circus doesn’t it?

The WHO Director offered some additional guidance.

Ghebreyesus said boosters should only be doled out to people with weak immune systems

I love it!

So Ghebreyesus questions the effectiveness of booster shots, and then says if they are used, they should only be given to people with weak immune systems.

In America, we give the ol’ booster shot to everyone like candy!

Since the vaccines are being called into question, by the health authority known as the WHO, why are governments demanding we get them?

Why are we being told they are the end all to the pandemic?

Questionable Situation

So in reality, the vaccines are being called into question by everyone.

I say that, as there are numerous widely circulating reports that indicate, those who have been vaccinated have contracted COVID-19.

They call these, “breakthrough infections”.

That means, “the vaccinated” are super spreaders in disguise!

Folks, I joke about this stuff as COVID-19 has a 99.9+% survival rate, okay?

In reality, asymptomatic transmission of SARS-COV-2 never occurs.

Yet, we are over here locking down the world, wearing paper or cloth masks, and telling people to get the vaccine or they cannot have a job or get groceries.

That’s flipping insane if you ask me.

The Mask Game

Remember what we talked about in Can You Stand Against The Lies?

I pointed out, a SARS-COV-2 particle is .125 micron in size, (3:13 mark in the video above). I compared that to an asbestos particle which is .7 micron in size. Then I showed you the type of mask required in order to protect you from asbestos which is a particle that is six times larger than COVID.

That’s why I laugh when I see people in paper masks or cloth masks.

Look, if you don’t have a respirator on that filters down to .125 micron, you are not protecting yourself, or anyone else from COVID.

No one is wearing anything like that, but wearing a maskie makes some feel like they’re doing their part. That’s a false sense of security folks…

What do you know, the CDC, WHO, And Scientific Journals agree.

Whoops, you won’t see that one on Facebook, they banned it.

Some truths are inconvenient.

The fact of the matter, telling people to wear a mask is simply, propaganda.

Vaccine Guilt Trip

Then we have the ol’ vaccine guilt trip.

You know what I’m talking about…

The mainstream media continually plays the guilt trip game, especially CNN. If you don’t get the vaccine, then you don’t care about other people.

That’s a psychological game folks.

Remember, it was “my body, my choice” when it came to abortion.

Well, that line doesn’t work when it comes to COVID-19. You can just forget about that one.

Delta Taxes The Non-Vaxxed

So this all brings us to some other important matters.

Delta, as in Delta Airlines is now going to charge their employees $200 a month if they have not been vaccinated.


To cover higher costs.

But wait, what higher costs?

It cannot be hospital stays, remember what the CDC told us?

Most people have mild COVID-19 illness and can recover at home without medical care.


Whoops, another inconvenient fact.

So what Delta Airlines is really trying to do, is force vaccination on their employees without flat out decreeing it.

Pentagon: Vax The Troops

The Pentagon has made the decision to force vaccinate our military men and women. There are roughly 800,000 of them who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine.

That sounds like an army if you ask me…

Why did our government make this decision?

Pfizer Vaccine Is Fully Approved?

Well, the Pfizer vaccine has been fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Sort of…

This comes from the FDA website, read carefully…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

Say what?

So there is a fully approved version, and there is a non-fully approved version…

That means there must be two different cocktails.

So the vaccine that is EUA the other day, is not “Comirnaty” (approved) today.

It gets better…

Here is the letter that was sent by the FDA to Pfizer.

Look what it says,

The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.

So the two vaccines, the “emergency use authorization (EUA)” vaccine and the approved “Comirnaty” vaccine are “legally distinct”.

That means, the two vaccines are different.

But hey, their differences do not impact their safety…

So go on, get the jab!

I love it.


Regardless if someone gets the fully approved version or the emergency use version of the vaccine…

There are still side effects, and the WHO still doubts their efficiency. Further, more and more scientists and doctors are telling us, the vaccine is causing the virus to be more infectious and they are warning of more “virulent” variants as the WHO put it.

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