Disaster Strikes In Kabul, 13 U.S. Troops Killed In ISIS Terror Attack


America, we lost 13 U.S. military members yesterday. They were killed by ISIS in a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. Additionally, 18 military members were injured, while 60 Afghans were killed, and 140 injured.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said,

We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate.

“A complex attack”?

What was complex about it?

How complex is an attack when someone decides to blow themselves up?

Kirby and friends are attempting to save face.

Supposedly, ISIS broke through the defense barrier provided by terrorists, ie: the Taliban which led to the attack.

You read that right, the Taliban are covering our backs, per our military.

You think I am kidding?

This is what General McKenzie said about security even after the attack.

We expect those attacks to continue and we are doing everything we can to be prepared for those attacks. That includes reaching out to the Taliban who are actually providing the outer security corridor at the airfield to make sure they know what we expect them to do to protect us.

Watch it.

General McKenzie expected terrorists to look after American troops?

Does this guy know why we are in Afghanistan to begin with?

By the way folks, I thought Trump killed ISIS?

I thought they were deader then a doornail?

This is just like I always figured, when someone needs a boogieman, they will raise up a boogieman. We might even hear about ol Osama Bin Laden again.

The saga gets worse, much worse.

U.S. Officials Provided Taliban With Names Of Americans, Afghan Allies To Evacuate

You read that right.

Politico reports,

U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that’s prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.

They mean, the U.S. Government gave terrorists a list of Americans.

Personally, I would call that a kill list or execution list.

Apparently, I am not the only one.

Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.”

Who else wants to puke?

How about this…

More than 82,300 have been airlifted from Kabul since the government’s collapse nearly two weeks ago, but the Pentagon says that, as of Wednesday, only 4,400 Americans were rescued in those evacuation operations.

(Now over 100,000 airlifted)

Why so few Americans?


That means, 95% of those removed from Afghanistan, were Afghan’s who are coming to an American city near you. Free benefits, free everything.

Do you see the world they live in?

I feel horrible about their situation, but we cannot save everyone my friends. We will only destroy our own way of life. I know, I am talking to the choir here.

So what did Joey have to say about all of this?

Biden: “We Will Hunt You Down And Make You Pay”


‘We will hunt you down and make you pay… At our time and our place of choosing.’

Joey Biden

Hey, Biden sounds like Syria every time they are attacked by Israel. Syria always makes empty threats.

Biden says they will get ISIS-K, they will not win.

Sure, sure.

In reality, ISIS is manufactured by our own government.

How on earth can any American listen to any, I said ANY government official again?

This is a joke.

This is an outrage.

There Biden is telling us they are going to get ISIS, yet, our government funded and has provided arms to the terrorists (Taliban) once again.

Do you know how many weapons we gave the Taliban by walking out?

75,000 U.S. Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons, 208 Planes Left In Afghanistan

Look at this report from a U.S. Watchdog.

“We’ve made the Taliban into a major U.S. arms dealer for the next decade. They now control 75,000 military vehicles,” said Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of Open the Books. “This is about 50,000 tactical vehicles, 20,000 Humvees they control about 1,000 mine-resistant vehicles, and even about 150 armored personnel carriers…. We don’t know where 600,000 weapons are within the country.”

This is a travesty.

How can our government say with a straight face, they are fighting terrorism?

That’s complete and utter bull!!!

They are funding it and the entire world knows it now.

Alright, let’s change gears before I go off the deep end.

I want to tell you what happened after Biden’s speech.

He actually took some questions, or did he?

Biden: “They Gave Me A List… I Was Instructed To Call On”

Check this out.

This video was the next clip right as Biden concluded the speech above.

Biden said,

Ladies and Gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell of NBC.

Biden was given a list?

Biden was instructed?

The last time I checked, Biden is the President of the United States.

By the way, who instructed him to withdraw from Afghanistan, without a plan, and in haste?

We have a hot mess on our hands people!

The Biden cabinet, like so many other cabinets before his are filled with globalists.

However, we have never, ever seen any catastrophe like this before.

As a side note, notice the expressions on the faces of Biden’s cabinet members when they are interviewed. It’s truly a deer in the headlights look, they are all in over their heads. The decisions our military generals have made are an absolute joke.

They are all unqualified and unfit for office. When you stop following God, you can expect this and much worse to happen to your nation.

When you tie these events together with the COVID pandemic, it really brings Agenda 2030 to life.

Biden Lack Of Leadership

Biden did go on to take a few questions that were not on his list.

In his conversation with Peter Doocy, Biden hunches over in frustration, (video below). It looked like a horrible posture for the President of the United States, right at the conclusion of a horrible event filled day.

Biden then goes on to ramble about the whole war on terrorism to try to make the case, that he made the right decision to pull out of Afghanistan.

Look, there is no question pulling out was the right decision.

Bush, Obama, and Trump should have made that decision.

The problem is how the U.S. pull out has been handled.

It’s an uncoordinated disaster that has left the Taliban with billions of dollars in weaponry. This restarts the entire war on terror. Hey, maybe the terrorists will move into Iran.

Folks, this is a crime against the entire world that Biden and his entire cabinet must pay for.

They all need to be removed from office, and while we’re at it, let’s remove the rest of them.

Folks, pray for Americans and all people in Afghanistan. I have a terrible feeling the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is going to be a horrible one, I pray to God I am wrong.

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