A Note On The 2023 Republican Debate

Well, it wasn’t a debate, they never are anymore.

There was lots of promises and lots of propaganda. I don’t feel many of the real issues surfaced last night. Only the issues above the surface. Lots of blame on Biden, but not much of how they will fix our nations problems.

Oh, I’m not talking about someone saying, “I’ll close the border.”

Tell me how brother…

How will you do that?

It’s an important question, since no one has ever done it before.

In this case, the answer that never surfaced should have included, shutting off free healthcare, welfare, and so much more that illegals receive. That will deport the ones that are already here, and prevent new comers from showing up at our door.

Instead, the answer to our problems is always to spend more money. Money that we do not have and to blame China for the world’s woes. Even though it’s the U.S. always meddling in the affairs of other nations.

Then, when climate change came up, not a soul mentioned the planet has been changing since creation. One does not need to embrace the climate change narrative or distance themselves from it…

They merely need to point out, the earth is constantly in a state of change. Glaciers melt a little more with each passing day. It’s been this way for thousands of years now. Instead of educating the masses, we stay stuck in a state of stuper.

We feel we must agree with the agenda to not be ostracized, or disregard it.

Most were on board with Ukraine, and spending more money on that war. We were told once again, fight them over there so we don’t fight them here. Insanity, old lines from the Bush era, ahh yes, it seems we never learn from our past mistakes, so they continue and continue some more.

The quietest guy on stage must have been Burgum, but he displayed one of the wisest moments… When the topic of abortion came up, he agreed with the idea of states rights and explained why. The 10th amendment of the Constitution which declares, the rights not given to the federal government are the rights of the states or the people…

Therefore, abortion, and power concerning issues and disputes not granted to the Feds, belong to the states to decide, whether we like it or not.

You see my friends, there are some causes we may die for. Yet, there are causes our enemies will die for as well. So we must stick to the rule of law, our Constitution.

Otherwise, someone will come along and convince us we must fight for this cause, or that one at the Federal level, and we end up in a game of back and forth at the Federal level.

A game between the red and blue factions of our government.

Factions that have never closed our border, factions that have never stopped spending, pulled us out of wars, or global bodies. No my friends, the factions of red and blue promise one thing and deliver another, and that is the only constant we have ever seen.

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