Is Your Mayor A Part Of The C40?

I know what you’re thinking, “What’s the C40?”

Oh, I’m glad you asked!

You’re not going to believe what I’m going to share today, but first, to answer your question…

C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.”

C40 Cities

If you’re like me, this is where you face palmed.

The C40 is another globalist cabal seeking to push climate change propaganda, literally, to your front door. Their speak and jargon perfectly mimic that of the United Nations Agenda 2030.

Why do you think that is?

It’s all a part of the same con.

It’s globalization through propaganda. If they can scare the people into a climate crisis, a crisis that affects everyone on the planet… Well then, perhaps they can get everyone on the planet to take action, and that action would be the solutions presented by globalist organizations.

It’s the ol problem, reaction, solution deal.

  • The bad guy creates a problem.
  • The bad guy gets a predetermined reaction from an audience.
  • The bad guy implements the solution to the problem he created.

It’s pretty wicked.

That’s what this whole green energy bit is about.

That’s what all the climate change chatter is all about.

Oh, but not just climate change…

In fact, the C40 wants you to know,

C40 is committed to being an equitable, diverse and inclusive organisation.”

About C40

See, I told you.

The C40, like all global organizations sing the same tune. They just venture into different realms to reach people in various groups, all to brainwash them into the globalist narrative.

So what does the C40 aim to do?

“The C40 Climate Action Planning Framework and C40’s Deadline 2020 programme were created to support cities in developing climate action plans that have the level of ambition and action needed to play their part in meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement. To stay within the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement, climate action planning needs must drive rapid, systemic change in cities around the world.”

1.5°C Climate Action Plans

The whole point of the C40, along with the United Nations, is to stay within the target range of temperature change, with no more than a 1.5°C increase.

Honestly, this is absolutely absurd!

To think man can control the weather at this scale is dumbfounding. Yes, man plays weather modification, but that’s confined to an area, not the entire globe. To think we can reduce temperatures that are derived from the sun is asinine.

Yet, these are our thinkers, these are our global wizards who waive their wands to no avail.

So how exactly does the C40 plan to implement such change?

You’re not going to believe it…

C40 Tyranny

The C40 has an “ambitious target.”

By the year 2030, they want their cities to have:

You think I’m joking, don’t you?

Well my friends, the proof is in the pudding.

0 kg Meat & Dairy Consumption

Why zero meat and dairy consumption by 2030?

You know, cow farts are destroying the planet.

3 New Clothing Items Per Person Per Year

What lady is going for this one?

0 Private Vehicles Owned

Over my dead body.

1 Short-Haul Return Flight

Sure, as long as all the bigwigs stop flying and playing yacht.

Man-Made Climate Change Believers Are Doomers

If your jaw is still wide open, go ahead and close it.

You’re starting to drool, and your spouse doesn’t much care for it.

In all seriousness, these people are doomers extraordinaire! These are the same people who think we’re undergoing a sixth mass extinction on earth. Whether they completely believe that or are using this as a tool does not matter.

What matters is that you and I call them out.


They’re clinically insane.

As I recently pointed out, per the United Nations, Agenda 2030 is not even close to being on track. Desperation is showing within the global elite.

In fact, look how the United Nations put it,

Of the roughly 140 targets with data, only about 12% are on track to be achieved by 2030; close to half, though showing progress, are moderately or severely off track; and some 30% have either seen no movement or regressed below the 2015 baseline.”

United Nations Accelerates Agenda 2030

This is why they’re getting so desperate and extreme.

However, the more desperate and extreme, the more their agenda will derail itself. Even many liberals are not on board with such a radical agenda.

The C40 Cities

Okay, that’s all aside from the point.

Now I want to show you the 14 American cities that have C40 mayors.

  • Austin
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Houston
  • Los Angeles
  • Miami
  • New Orleans
  • New York City
  • Philadelphia
  • Phoenix
  • Portland
  • San Francisco
  • Seattle
  • Washington, DC

So there they are.

Those are the American cities that are seeking to restrict your freedom as an American.

Those are the cities filled with politicians who are in line with the globalist agenda to remove your rights. To force you into a diet void of meat and dairy. To restrict you to only three new clothing items a year, and to remove your personal transportation.

That’s not freedom, that’s tyranny!

I will not comply.

I will never comply with such draconian measures.

The climate change narrative is in fact, the enslavement of humanity. Jesus Christ does not enslave, He free’s. Man has always sought to place man in bondage, and this agenda is nothing new.

It’s a wicked divisive agenda that preys on the hearts of people. That’s Satan’s way, not God’s way, and there’s nothing righteous to be found in this agenda. These globalist agendas should be rejected, and if you live in these cities, vote these people out of office.

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