Digital ID Arrives In California

You and I both knew it, it was only a matter of time…

Digital identification just arrived in California. It’s being rolled out in the form of a digital driver’s license, what California is calling an “mDL.”

Here’s how they sell it…

The mDL offers a quick and secure identity-check at airports, without handing over your phone. Speed through TSA PreCheck® at SFO and LAX. Control the information you share when purchasing adult beverages.

Be among the first to carry your driver’s license on your phone by joining this voluntary pilot. The pilot is limited to 1.5 million participants, so sign up today.

California DMV

Is anyone else rolling their eyes?

  • “Quick and secure identity check”
  • “Without handing over your phone”
  • “Speed through TSA”
  • “Control the information you share”
  • “Be among the first”

Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it all before.

They always sell it so you benefit, but let’s face it, you won’t really benefit. It’s just how we were supposed to benefit from social media. Yet, every kid these days stays stuck in the house playing games or playing TikTok.

It’s a travesty.

We’re more connected than ever, but more isolated than ever.

Explain that one to me…

It tells us, everything digital is not gold.

You cannot replace everything that is physical, with things that are digital.

Ahh, but who cares about the philosophical arguments?

Society needs to make “progress,” and progress we’ve made… We’ve officially taken the first major step toward the digitalization of our identification within the biggest state in the union.

Let me tell you something, the digitization of our personal identification, and then money, is the end of our freedom. That’s it, game over, and from a Biblical perspective, this whole concept fits quite nicely with Revelation 13, you know, the whole “buy and sell” bit.

Don’t lose track of the five bullet points I laid out above.

Notice how they butter you up with the concept of a digital ID…

Hey, we already control the information we share with a physical identification card. No one else has, or will ever have that information, unless we hand it over. However, when it comes to digital identification, everyone has it.

Oh, I know, it’s “secure.”

Sure, sure…

Hey, anything digital can and always is hacked and cracked, and then some other individual has your data, and can do who knows what with it. Call me old fashion, but I hate the idea. Besides, this just makes it easier for the government to consolidate this data higher up the chain.

Since this is a pilot program, look at what California is telling participants.

Continue to carry your physical driver’s license or state-issued ID card. Law enforcement, state government agencies, and businesses aren’t yet accepting the mDL.

This tells us, it’s a very new system, and essentially worthless.

Do you know what else kills me about digital ID and currency?

This bit…

California’s Digital ID project strives to provide every eligible person with easy, secure, privacy-preserving access to all of California’s digital government services.

California Department of Technology

They always say that.

They always tell us how digital ID and currency is the right course, as it provides free and wide access for everyone, including the poor.

Well, let me tell you something Bubba!

Have you seen the price of phones?

We’re talking $1,000 bucks, not to mention the monthly service.

They must think society is filled with fools…

Did you notice how they layout the perks?

“…provide every eligible person with easy, secure, privacy-preserving access”

Look, my physical identification and cash is easy, secure, and privacy-preserving. That’s why they always have to tell you how “safe and secure” digital identification and money is. To suck you into the big control scheme.

Come on folks, you do realize, that’s what this is all about?

Control and consolodation.

Ohh, and don’t even snicker because this is happening in California. It always begins there, but then it spreads throughout the nation, to a state just like yours. I’ve seen it a million times by now, and you have too.

So all digital is where we’re going.

Digital identification and currency will not just become a California thing, but a United States thing, and one day, it will be a global thing.

I’d say Bible prophecy is moving right along my friends.

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