70% Of Those Infected With COVID-19 Wore Masks: CDC

Well folks, here is another one that comes right from the CDC. 70% of those infected with COVID-19 had been wearing a mask.

You can document that yourself in this CDC document; Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities.

This reminds me.

Facebook tagged our post CDC, WHO And Scientific Journals Admit Face Masks Are Not Effective, Maybe Harmful as “false information”. Yet, the information came right from the CDC, just as this information did.

Hey, don’t let the truth get in the way of a lie.

CDC Goes On The Defensive

That’s not the best part though.

The CDC has gone on the defensive and said,

“At no time has CDC guidance suggested that masks were intended to protect the wearers.”

It is certainly true, in the document linked above, they did not promote face masks. In fact, they said they may even be harmful to you.

However, CDC Director Robert R. Redfield has been quoted promoting face masks. He even said they will protect you against COVID-19.

Watch the clip yourself, he comes in at the end.

You watched it, we heard it.

Redfield clearly promoted masks, while the CDC documentation says otherwise. It is plain as day, these people do not know what they are talking about.

Hey, that is what happens when you start lying. Then you have to keep track of the truth. It’s so much easier to be honest.

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