94% Of Belgian Doctors Support ‘After-Birth Abortions’ For Babies With Disabilities

Our world becomes more disturbing and cruel by the day. According to a new research paper, 9 out of 10 Belgian physicians support “infanticide” which is the “killing of a child within a year of birth”.

They attempt to place a cloak of concern over their decision, saying murdering babies born with disabilities is okay. Only a twisted and distorted generation of people would support the murder of the unborn, much less live-born babies.

It is simply an excuse to say murdering a child born with disabilities is okay. We are not God, neither should we play God.

Value On Life

Meanwhile, governments and many doctors place so much “value” on life, they force us to wear a face mask and “social distance” which has cost many of us our jobs and way of life.

Population Reduction

In reality, abortion and this new concept of “infanticide” are all about global population reduction. So is the homosexual agenda, Green Earth Policy, and China’s one-child policy. It is the stated goal of evil people to reduce the world’s population to under 500 million.

God Is Against Abortion And Murder

In case you care what God thinks…

God is against “hands that shed innocent blood”, (Proverbs 6:17). Someone who murders a child, born or not, is in fact shedding innocent blood and they are going to have a lot to answer for one day.

I also want you to understand, the womb was never intended to be the grave of a child, (Jeremiah 20:17). This further clarifies God’s position on abortion.

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