Topic: Health


We Have A Health Crisis On Our Hands People!

Folks, we have a health crisis on our hands. It’s something people don’t talk about that much, but it’s an important topic. Hey, health is wealth. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.


This Is What Scares Most People, What Do You Think?

The world has always been a crazy place, but it feels different these days. Doesn’t it? I mean, in the past, we’ve always complained about politics. We’ve always complained about taxes, and how much things


Here Come The Anti-Aging Pills!

You’ve seen the commercials, there’s a pill for every illness under the sun. Never mind the side effects that seem worse than the cure. However, there’s one pill they don’t have yet, an anti-aging pill.


China’s Open For Travel After Ditching Zero-COVID

It’s finally coming to an end! China’s zero-COVID policy that shut down entire cities over a single case of the virus. “Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, who oversees COVID efforts, signaled the change Wednesday — as

God's Laws

Are Mushrooms Unclean To Eat?

The Bible does not say if mushrooms are unclean to eat. However, we’ll identify the characteristics of mushrooms and compare them to clean food we can eat.


Gen Zs Failures Are Tied To The Biblical Past

Generation Z is a complete and utter disaster! I’m not even talking about the morality of this young generation. You know, the group of folks that are 18-24 years old, (born: ~1998-2004). I’m talking about


Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty

That’s the title of a piece over at The Atlantic. I about spit out my coffee when I read that one! You won’t believe it, but the Covidians actually want “pandemic amnesty.” They want you


The Unvaccinated Were Right

During the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone was uncertain about the future. However, some of us could see the government was overreaching, and removing freedoms in the name of safety. This started with


Why Do Mass Shootings Keep Happening?

Humanity is beginning to break. It seems with each new day, there is some new calamity that grips our nation and world. Just days ago, it was the latest mass shooting that took place in


And Then There Was Monkeypox

Just when you thought the pandemic was over, here comes a new one… Monkeypox! News continues to break across the world over this latest crisis, and the cases continue to climb. The doctors are baffled,