The War Against The Dollar Is Heating Up

WEB Notes: Remember what we wrote in The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World about the history of the current world order. That ties in here, the dollar has quite literally run its course. More and more nations are ditching it in favor of other currencies. This is due to our government printing more and more dollars which makes existing dollars worth even less. This is by design, in order to radically transform our world.

In essence, this is theft of the dollars you have already worked for. It destroys the purchasing power of the dollars in existence. The demise of the dollar has been discussed for a very long time. Yet, we know any New World Order will consist of a new currency that will be digital. This will not be in our favor.

Experts are again sounding the alarm that the dollar could lose its role as the world’s reserve currency. This is a frequent and historically unconsummated concern — but things may actually be different this time.

What’s happening: New data from the Bank of Russia show the country now receives more euros than dollars for its exports to China, with the share of goods purchased in euros rising from 0.3% at the start of 2014 (and just 1.3% in the second quarter of 2018) to nearly 51% at the end of Q1 this year.

Source: Axios

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