Al Qaeda Has Set Up ‘Home Base’ In Iran Who Is Now Closer To Nuclear Bomb

Well, that’s a double whammy if I ever heard of one. Al Qaeda has now set up a home base in Iran. Ironically enough, on the same day, Iran supposedly stepped up its production of nuclear weapons material.

If I had a buck every time I heard that I would be rich by now. I always crack up at that line. Iran is close to a bomb they say, yet Iran has speed boats for Navy vessels.

Ahh heck, if we can be convinced to eat a bug burger, then we will fall for anything.

Iran Making “Possible” Progress On Nuclear Weapons

Iran has taken a significant new step toward possible atomic-weapons production, starting work on an assembly line to manufacture a key material used at the core of nuclear warheads, the United Nations atomic agency said in a confidential report Wednesday, raising the stakes in Tehran’s standoff with Washington ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.


Don’t you just love the way the media reports these days?

Iran HAS TAKEN indicates it is something that has occurred, but they throw in POSSIBLE. Talk about a contradiction here. Either they have taken a significant step toward producing nuclear weapons or they have not.

Which is it?

Who cares, Iran stands in the way of globalization and they must be reckoned with.

That brings us to our next story.

Al Qaeda Sets Up Home Base In Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday said that Al Qaeda has set up a “home base” in Iran – and Tehran and the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 terror attacks are “partners in terrorism.” “You now have the word’s largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran, as the home base for Al Qaeda,” he said in a speech at the National Press Club. “They are partners in terrorism, partners in hate.”


By saying Al Qaeda has set up a “home base” in Iran, that provides a new pretext for war with Iran. You should also know, we are talking about the same Al Qaeda that was created by the United States to begin with.

Do you see how globalists work?

They control both political parties in our country. They are using terms like “hate” which we are all familiar with now thanks to social and mainstream media.

Wrong is not wrong anymore, today, we have specific versions of right and wrong. Today, you are considered “hateful” if you disagree with the LGBT agenda for example. Of course, God disagrees with it too, so I guess God is “hateful” as well.

Nevertheless, this story ties right into critically important articles from the past.

You also want to remember this recent article we wrote where we tied many pieces together for you.

The goal for years has been to align the middle east against Iran. They successfully did that several years ago. Now we are hearing about more and more peace agreements from the Middle East.

These agreements are binding the nations to each other, and Israel, which aligns them against Iran. That is exactly what we have been discussing for years!

The U.S. cannot just bomb Iran, that would upset the entire world. There must be a coordinated agreement here. Further, the book of Daniel explains this for us as well.

We live in exciting, yet disturbing times.

Make sure you do not get caught up with the voices of the two crowds, the two-party system. Neither side has our best interests at heart. Neither side is consulting with God. Neither side is talking about God, much less letting Him lead the way.

Evil is pouring out in large quantities at this time. If you do not have God, you do not have the Light, and you will be left in darkness.

Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.

Micah 7:8
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