The Border Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

It sounds like hyperbole, doesn’t it?

It’s not.

How many of us have looked at the history of illegal immigration in our nation?

Probably not many, so we’re going to do that today.

I’m quite certain, you’re going to be shocked by what you learn. For years and decades, the media and political parties have divided Americans over the border crisis. It’s not a new crisis, this crisis has been around for decades, and no one’s stopped the inflow of illegals.

What am I talking about?

I put together this chart from statistics I compiled from the border patrol website. This chart goes all the way back to 1925, and it graphs the number of illegal immigrants that have been apprehended by our border patrol per year.

Border Data Source: 1925-2020, 2021-2023

Disturbing, isn’t it?

Illegal immigration has been a tremendous problem in this nation for a very long time. It peaked in 1986, dropped, and then hit another peak in 2000. From there, illegal immigration began to trend downward, until 2019, when it spiked once again.

Since that time, illegal immigration has hit new record levels leaving Americans wondering who will fix this travesty…

Over the years, we’ve been told our favorite political party has fixed the border crisis and the other party made it worse, but is that really true?

Not so much…

I took the liberty to take the same border apprehension data, and I crossed-referenced it with the Presidents who were in power during that time. So in this chart, you’ll be able to see the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States, and on whose watch, including party affiliation.

The truth will shock you.

  • The border patrol apprehensions in red are when we had Republican Presidents.
  • The border patrol apprehensions in blue are when we had Democrat Presidents.

So you tell me, which political party fixed the border and which one made it worse?

If you’re having a hard time identifying that, you’re not alone.

Believe it or not, when we compile these numbers, we find:

  • Republicans allowed 29.4 million illegal immigrants into our nation.
  • Democrats allowed 27.3 million illegal immigrants into our nation.

Yes, even with Democrat Joe Biden allowing in 6.2 million illegals during his present term, Democrats have still allowed fewer illegals during their tenure in office. It’s truly shocking when we think about our border and what we are commonly told.

Nevertheless, no political party has ever fixed the border crisis. Ironically enough, Barack Obama helped keep levels of illegal immigration at record lows in the modern era.

Who would have guessed that one?

Not me.

So let this be a lesson for each and every one of us, to stop clamoring to politicians. Let’s stop all the political games, let’s stop the blame games. No political party has fixed the border, and the ones who get the most blame for making it worse, are actually the ones who helped make some improvements.

Facts are facts, correct?

Unfortunately, the border crisis is even worse than the numbers I’ve shown you. If you were paying close attention, these charts tell us how many “apprehensions” there have been. They tell us, how many illegal immigrants were caught by our border patrol agents.

However, they do not tell us how many illegal immigrants crossed our border without being apprehended.

I hope you’re sitting down…

During the year 2000, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) estimates over 4 million illegal immigrants entered our country. That year, there were 1,676,438 apprehensions. This means, 2.3 million illegal immigrants entered our country illegally, but were never caught.

Let’s look at another example.

In 2005, 2.1 million illegal immigrants entered our country illegally, but they were never caught. Add to that the 1,189,075 apprehensions for the year, and the total number of illegals that entered our country in 2005 was over 3.2 million.

This chart from the DHS tells the tale.

As we can see from this chart, the number of “estimated total successful unlawful entries” (in blue) has declined in recent years. The reason is very simple, illegals are now coming directly to border patrol agents in order to claim asylum.

We all know this is a ruse.

If these illegals were truly under some form of oppression, then why are Haitians coming to our border? Why not take refuge in the nations they crossed to get here? We all know why, the glory of becoming an American citizen and the free perks.

Nevertheless, these charts show the true scope of our border crisis. It’s not limited to one political party, and it’s not a new problem, but a problem we have been dealing with for decades.

Will Americans finally recognize this, and demand real action from both political parties?

One can only hope.

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