Moderna CEO Says The World Will Have To Live With COVID ‘Forever’

I am sure we all heard about this one days ago. COVID Vaccine maker Moderna CEO said we will have to live with the virus forever, it is not going away.

Surprise! Shocked! Dismayed!

“SARS-CoV-2 is not going away. We are going to live with this virus, we think, forever.”

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel

Give me a break. We knew this all along.

Back in March of 2020, Dr. Fauci said SARS-CoV-2 would become seasonal. Then we had this one, Scientist: Coronavirus ‘Will Be With Us Forever’.

We knew back then this show would be never ending. So open it all up already. Lockdown’s do not help anyway. These headlines only show how much of a farce this whole COVID pandemic really is.

Meanwhile, the data shows there are no excessive health related deaths in the United States year over year. The data also shows the seasonal flu has all but disappeared! So we know our government and media is perpetrating a massive lie on us and the people of the world.

Here is another thought.

Tech companies continue to gear up for a COVID-19 Passport, a subject we have discussed many times last year. Add to the fact, vaccine manufacturers now have a green light to produce and profit off yet, another vaccine.

All for a virus with a 99.98% survival rate. If that does not document how we are being controlled and conditioned to the whims of government, I don’t know what does.

Speaking of, there are now trends to wear two masks, because two is better than one right?

How insulting to the intelligence of the people, and many continue on with the lie.

A second mask will not help you, but it will cause you more fear, panic, and anxiety. It will also make it even harder to breathe. The more we wear the masks, the more we enable the lie. Just remember that.

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