Amazon One Allows You To Pay With Your Palm

I saw this article the other day and figured we should talk about it. Amazon has just launched the palm reading “Amazon One” payment gateway at it’s Seattle store.

Amazon One essentially creates a “palm signature” of your hand by identifying the lines and ridges that are unique to you. Think of it as a fingerprint scanner for your palm. No contact with the device is required which is being billed as a positive in the (manufactured) COVID-19 world.

The idea is for customers to be able to walk into a store and pay without having to use a credit card, cash, or other payment methods. Instead, a wave of their hand identifies them and charges the credit card they have on file.

Amazon had this to say on their blog,

“In most retail environments, Amazon One could become an alternate payment or loyalty card option with a device at the checkout counter next to a traditional point of sale system. Or, for entering a location like a stadium or badging into work, Amazon One could be part of an existing entry point to make accessing the location quicker and easier.”

Technology Should Help Us

I don’t know about you folks, but I have always felt technology should enhance our life and make it easier. This is not one of those cases. If pulling cash or a credit card out of your pocket is too much work, then maybe you should be in an old folks home.

This device clearly helps set up a digitally controlled world where only the pre-approved are allowed access. Amazon said so themselves, these devices can be used for “entering a location like a stadium or badging into work”. They can be a part of “an existing entry point to make accessing the location quicker and easier”.

This is being billed as a solution to make our lives easier. In reality, it is a trap that will be used to control where we can and cannot go, easily automated. Folks, already today many of us are being censored from search engines or banned from social media. Why on earth would we want to be a part of something as disturbing as Amazon One?

Is This The Mark Of The Beast?

I knew you were thinking about it when you saw the title. When we think about the Bible we have to use common sense, not pull out the “jump to conclusions mat”.

Lately, all the would-be Christian prophets told you vaccines are the latest mark, or some credit card chip, and who knows what else, I lost count myself.

You really have to understand what the Mark of the Beast is before we go calling everything under the sun, “the Mark of the Beast”.

No, the Amazon One technology in of itself is not the Mark of the Beast. The Mark of the Beast is a spiritual mark that has very real physical and mental consequences though.

First off, there is no Mark of the Beast until Satan, the Antichrist is on earth. Turn your Bible with me to,

Revelation 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.

The “he” is the Dragon from verse 11 and the Dragon is Satan as Revelation 12:9 explains. So that means there is no Mark of the Beast until Satan is on earth, period. So you are not in danger of accepting any Mark.

Just relax, let the Bible lead you.

Mark of The Beast Is Your Works And Thought Process For Satan

Notice in this 16th verse, it says the Mark is “in their right hand, or in their foreheads”. The right hand is symbolic of your works, and the forehead means what you accept as truth, it is your thought process.

The Mark of the Beast is what you do (works of your hand) and what you accept (your thought process). Folks, take a look around at this COVID paranoia. You have people telling you to put on a mask (right hand) and people complying (forehead). They have accepted the lie placed before them.

When Satan appears on earth, he will be the biggest lie the universe has ever witnessed. Far bigger than COVID. Satan will claim to be God, and the whole world, except those with the Seal of God in their forehead (their thought process, Rev 7:3), will believe Satan is God.

Things are not so different today, are they?

When that time comes, then those who stand with God. The Election mentioned in Revelation 7 will be locked out of such systems. That is when they will not be able to “buy or sell” and that is when the Mark of the Beast becomes reality.

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