Here Come The Layoffs?

Lots of negative economic pressure today. We are going to talk about some of today’s economic news, recap some past news, and tie the ends together.

Airlines To Layoff 50,000 Employees

Here is what NBC is reporting this morning.

As many as 50,000 airline workers could be furloughed starting Thursday morning after Congress failed to pass a last-minute deal to extend coronavirus relief aid to the embattled industry.


Notice how they blame this on Congress as they “failed to pass” a new bailout deal. That is the problem with our world today, no one can think anymore.

The solution is not about creating more debt and giving it away to rich companies. The solution would be to end the lockdowns, COVID is a lie.

Disney Lays Off 28,000 Employees

Disney has announced they are laying off 28,000 employees due to,

Prolonged closures at Disney’s California-based theme parks and limited attendance at its open parks has forced the company to lay off 28,000 employees across its parks, experiences and consumer products division.


This is happening as our governments; local, state, and federal have shut our country down over a virus that never was. Even knowing the facts, they continue to lock us down, all except for a few states who are finally getting their act together.

Shell Plans To Cut Up To 9,000 Jobs

Look how Yahoo spins this one.

Royal Dutch Shell revealed that it will cut 7,000 to 9,000 jobs as part of a major restructuring plan to shift the oil and gas giant to low-carbon energy.


A restructuring plan?

“Demand has cratered”, thanks to the government created crisis called COVID. Further, this “restructuring plan” is about changing our world.

Remember, our notes in The Great Reset?

The energy companies like all major companies are on board with a new world order agenda. They are all about this Green New Deal you hear about.

A new world order is brewing below the surface here. I cannot stress enough, you cannot have a new world order until the current world order is destroyed. I truly believe that is what we are witnessing today.

Bankers Axe Nearly 70,000 This Year

67,844 employees have been axed from the banking industry this year. Once again, COVID is to blame for much of this.

70% Of Smaller U.S. Theaters May Fail

Oh it just keeps getting better folks.

Almost three-quarters of small and midsize cinemas in the U.S. are at risk of bankruptcy, and about 100,000 people who work in the industry could lose their jobs as a result of the pandemic, according to the National Association of Theatre Owners.


And better…

New York Bankruptcies Reportedly Surge 40% During Pandemic

Bankruptcies in the New York City region have surged 40% during the coronavirus pandemic compared with the same time a year ago.


And better…

FHA Mortgage Delinquencies Hit Record 17.4%

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) which insures about 8 million high-risk mortgages with lower requirements – “low down payments,” “low closing costs,” and “easy credit qualifying,” it says – reported that an all-time record of 17.4% of its mortgages were delinquent in August, up from what had been the all-time record in July of 17.0%, and having doubled from a year ago.

Wolf Street

Then we have this kind of economic news…

JPMorgan Chase Agrees To Pay $920 Million Over Market Manipulation

JPMorgan Chase, accused of presiding over thousands of episodes of illegal trading in precious metals and Treasury markets, said Tuesday that it will pay about $920 million as part of an agreement with the Justice Department.


So they rig the system, and they get off by paying a paltry $920 million in fines to who?

Surly not the American people who they hosed out of their money! These criminals should be put out of business and locked away for life if not worse.

Notice, these con artists and thief’s were (are) rigging the precious metals market! They manipulate the paper silver and gold market to suppress the prices of physical silver and gold. A sad tune that continues to be played and steals from the people.

The Past And A Summary

Folks, what we are witnessing; COVID, the economy, our political situation are all tied together. Remember the Federal Reserve intervening back in September 2019 in the Repo loan market?

The system was on the brink of collapse (again) back then.

Before COVID, the Federal Reserve was manufacturing Monopoly money which in turn they used to monetize 90% of the government’s debt. That is a fancy way of saying paying the governments bills.

In the six weeks prior to January 2020, the Federal Reserve had pumped more than $6 trillion into the markets. They were trying to save the system even before COVID.

Remember all of this?

The writing is on the wall. This is a planned global financial collapse the likes of what no one has ever witnessed before and they are attempting to use this manufactured event to bring about a new world order.

There is no other logical explanation here.

Think about the economic damage before COVID, the massive record debts, which just set new records. Then think about all the commerce that came to a halt during COVID. It is the perfect storm for a disturbing economic future. Money makes the world go around, when that system is destroyed, our world will radically change. It will not be tomorrow, this has been a long slow process, but it does appear to be picking up steam.

No need to worry folks, just be aware.

God’s Word is coming to pass daily. You should be excited by that!

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