Trump Has COVID-19, So Did Other World Leaders

Alright, so President Trump and his wife Melania have both contracted COVID-19. The liberals are going nuts over this one. Would you believe Trump is not the only world leader to catch COVID? Let’s talk about it and some other notes.

President Trump Has COVID-19

For the record, Trump is 74 years old. Remember all the CDC information we have covered this year? Trump is more likely to have complications due to his age.

However, the guy seems healthy as a horse. I anticipate he and his wife will recovery in no time without a hitch. Just as if they had a cold or the flu.

List of World Leaders Infected By COVID-19

For the record, here is a list of world leaders that all contracted COVID and recovered.

  • British PM Boris Johnson
  • Prince Charles
  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro
  • Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernandez
  • Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei
  • Bolivian Interim President Jeanine Anez
  • President Dominican Republic Luis Abinader
  • Prince Albert Ii Of Monaco

By the way, Guatemalan President said this of his COVID-19 illness,

“My symptoms are very mild. Up to now, I have body aches, it hurt more yesterday than today, like a bad cold. I don’t have a fever, I have a bit of a cough.”

It is like a cold for most people according to all reports I have ever read. Unless you are in bad health to begin with. In that case, even the seasonal flu can take the life of those individuals.

Do not play into the fear, just like these lying, cheating politicians…

Trump Is A Grandpa

I want you folks to remember something else. The mainstream media and government drummed into our mind, if we are not careful, we could bring COVID to our dear ol grandma and grandpa. We could harm the elderly, they said.

That was just another excuse, another reason to shut our nation down and make us feel good about it. Evil people did this around the globe.

Well, Trump is a grandpa and he has COVID. I am betting the man will be just fine. When that statement becomes a reality, it will once again prove, COVID is a farce!

One that is being used to radically transform our world. They already set the stage, now they are laying their parts.

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