Americans Have ‘No Right’ To Carry Guns In Public, 9th Circuit Court Rules

Anytime we begin to hear about mass shootings, that means globalists want to take away our firearms. Shootings happen all the time (they are simply not reported). You know why? Crazy people exist in the world all the time. They kill people with whatever is available to them; Gun, knife, car, it does not matter.

On with the news.

9th Circuit Court: Americans Have No Right To Carry In Public

By a 7-4 margin, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (everyone’s favorite) rejected a challenge to Hawaii’s law which requires resident’s to pass an application process in order to possess a firearm outside of the home.

The court stated,

There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment.

Washington Times

The court did not even address the challenge, instead, they went right to the “guns not allowed” line. The court wrongly believes the Second Amendment applies to “defense of hearth and home”.

They attempt to justify their ruling.

“The power of the government to regulate carrying arms in the public square does not infringe in any way on the right of an individual to defend his home or business,” the judges concluded.

There are no restrictions on the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is plainly written so anyone can understand it, yet, those who wish to take away your rights do not care, and instead seek to distort the law of the land by removing your rights.

The court also said,

We have previously held that individuals do not have a Second Amendment right to carry concealed weapons in public.

This means, the people living in the states under this courts jurisdiction do not have a right to carry a firearm. Here is a map of the jurisdiction for the 9th Circuit Court.

On the heels of this news, the White House is planning “executive action”…

White House Plans Executive Action

President Biden is considering signing another illegal Executive Order concerning firearms. The NRA also notes there are two pending bills in Congress that aim to remove some of our firearm rights.

Never fear says White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki,

The majority of the American public supports background checks. The majority of the American public does not believe that anyone needs to have an assault weapon.

Great manufactured talking point Jen.

Now I have to admit here. I am a bit confused. The Biden Administration is talking about adding background checks. Folks, those already exist. I have purchased firearms, I have gone through the checks, but don’t listen to me. Go to the source, here it is, right from the FBI: National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). It explains the process short and sweet.

The FBI’s website even adds,

The NICS is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting firearms fall into the wrong hands. 

So is the government admitting their policies they put in place do not work and they need to try again?

Someone should probably share that with Biden and friends.

Government Says Assault Weapons Are Bad

Now let me tell you something else. This whole “assault weapons” line is hogwash. An AR-15, the black scary rifle typically shoots a .223 round.

Well guess what?

So do other non-scary rifles! The rifle does not make it dangers, the person holding the firearm makes it dangers.

Of course, the radicals do not want you to use your brain. Instead, they rather brainwash and condition you to their agenda.

Just listen to what the Vice President has to say,

No one is “trying to come after your guns. Stop pushing the false choice that this means everybody’s trying to come after your guns. That is not what we’re talking about.”

Harris’s argument revolves around the recent shootings, which naturally draws on the heart of people. However, they certainly do want to take your firearms. At the very least, limit your ability to possess them. I remember back in 2014 when Obamanoid Eric Holder was exploring the idea of gun tracking bracelets.

They are always trying to find some way to limit your right to bear arms. The right to bear arms exists not only to protect you from those who wish to do you harm, but more importantly, from overbearing government.

The Second Amendment does not include any provision to limit certain types of firearms. There is no distinction. A firearm is a firearm, period.

When people seek to destroy your way of life, they do it little by little over time. Calling certain firearms “assault weapons” is an attempt to get people to agree, and come to the conclusion that, “no one needs a firearm like that”.

Once they accomplish that step, then it will be something else. “No one needs a handgun”, etc…

Further, it’s a foolish argument to begin with. Think about it, car manufactures sell cars that can go over 200mph.


The speed limit is only 65.

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