European Union Declared ‘LGBT Freedom Zone’

The European Union has overwhelmingly voted in favor to declare itself as an ‘LGBT Freedom Zone’. The vote by the European Parliament recorded 492 votes in favor of the motion, with 141 votes against it. It is stated, this was done in “an effort to push back on rising homophobia in Poland and elsewhere,” (ABC News).

Poland has recently put forward measures to reduce the effects of the LGBT ideology to prevent this distortion of reality from corrupting their way of life. Very few countries are willing to make that stand today.

When we hear the term “homophobia”, it is designed to make you feel bad about your belief in the Bible and what God said about homosexuals. It is yet another form of psychological warfare.

How is it working on you?

E.U. Pushes LGBT Propaganda Forward

The resolution declares that “LGBTIQ persons everywhere in the EU should enjoy the freedom to live and publicly show their sexual orientation and gender identity without fear of intolerance, discrimination or persecution”. 

It adds that “authorities at all levels of governance across the EU should protect and promote equality and the fundamental rights of all, including LGBTIQ persons”.


So do you see the problem here?

They claim this makes us all equal and provides rights for all. It cannot be both ways. Modern society has already embraced homosexuality. That means Christians supporting the Biblical view of marriage and morality are seen as yesterday’s newspaper.

This is only going to get worse as the days continue on. This coming from the European Union is not much a shocker. If you recall our article titled, “The Tower Of Babel In The Modern Era” we discussed how long ago the European Union picked up Biblical symbols of Satan and his future new world order government.

If you are embracing sin, one day, you will realize you were on the wrong side of history. You will realize, you made a big mistake, but it may just be one day too late.

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