An Observation

A few days ago, I said I had an observation that I wanted to share with you. It is pretty simple really. On August 31st and September 1st, two major stories broke which clearly proved COVID-19 is not as dangerous as the public has been led to believe.

Two Major Stories Prove COVID-19 Hype

Those stories are:

  • CDC Reveals Only 9,683 Americans Have Died From COVID-19
  • 90% Who Test Positive For COVID-19 Are NOT Contagious

These reports are earth shakers!

As this news began to spread across our country, in my mind, it would be a potential defining moment

I will explain.

Trump Recap And Economy

As we have discussed many times now, President Trump was initially against COVID-19 propaganda, even Tweeting as much. We all know he declared a national emergency days later.

This led to major destruction for our economy. The elections are now just two months away, and news reports swirl that say the economy is getting better. That is not true, the stock market numbers have gone back up.

However, Americans are still unemployed due to COVID-19 lockdowns. In fact, it is so bad Trump halted evictions and foreclosures until the end of the year.

Now think about this…

Why Does Trump Not Address Damning COVID-19 Reports?

If you were seeking re-election and just found out COVID-19 was blown way out of proportion, wouldn’t you talk about it?

I mean Trump could blame it all on the Democrats as he does anyway. This would be yet another positive thing in his corner for re-election.

So why has he not said a word?

I just went back over his Tweet history, and I cannot find a single Tweet where he mentions these critically important facts. They are critically important to the American people as COVID-19 has changed everyone’s life.

Instead, his Tweets and the mainstream media is filled with Pelosi’s latest hangup, discussing College football shutting down over COVID-19 and today Trump banning ‘Critical Race Theory’ from Federal Agencies.

Yet, not a single word about COVID-19 essentially being a hoax, an overblown crisis that has destroyed more lives than we can even imagine.

I cannot believe the COVID-19 lie has gone on this long, but with such clear cut and widely understood information, why is our government not promoting the truths we just covered. Truths that actually came from our own government agency, the Center for Disease Control?

The Globalist Narrative Continues

To me, this level of silence from our President and government indicates the globalists will continue to push ahead with the destruction of our nation and world via the COVID-19 lie.

Again, if the President addressed the nation over this, we could go back to “normal”. It would be a tremendous victory for the President right ahead of the elections, but we are not seeing that. Therefore, the goal is to continue to press on with the lie and keep the people under the foot of government.

Not a surprise, it is only a surprise to see how clear the evidence is against COVID-19 propaganda, and yet, the narrative continues on.

Another Observation

Further, have you noticed several other nations are now protesting COVID-19 lockdowns, even Canada. Yet, in the United States, our “protests” which are riots come from lefties who need their butt spanked.

Moreover, remember when the Minneapolis riots first started over George Floyd’s death?

We said and you all thought,

“Why are they allowing these riots to go on? If they continue on much longer, this will spread around the country,” and spread it did. Right on the heels of the COVID-19 manufactured crisis.

This has now created an environment that naturally prevents freedom-loving Americans from protesting against COVID-19 lockdowns as we are all focused on the far left riots.

Now that is a setup, if I ever saw one.

The longer this goes on, the more it aligns, and the more it points to a global agenda which continues to unfold. I think our first observation makes it very clear, the planned destruction of our nation and world will continue to march forward.

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