Anchor Your Soul To Our Heavenly Father

Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

Hebrews 6:19

Isn’t this a fantastic verse?

The hope we have in our Heavenly Father is the anchor of our soul. We place our faith and hope in our Creator’s existence, and we base our life decisions on this hope.

In fact, it’s our faith in God, our hope in Him that anchors us in this stormy world. The world never provides any sense of calm or direction. Instead, the world offers never-ending drama that sends the wind and waves in our direction.

Yet, our spiritual ships are anchored to our Heavenly Father.

This hope ensures that our ships don’t topple over when the world huffs and puffs and attempts to sink our ship. You see, when you have real hope and faith in God, the world has nothing on you. You’ll see the clouds forming a mile out and think to yourself,

“Lord, we got this.”

It doesn’t matter what happens in life…

You may lose a job, or even worse, a family member, friend, spouse, a child, or your health may fade…


“Lord, we got this.”

It’s during those dark times when we prove our faith in God.

In fact, it’s those trials and tribulations that build our faith! It’s those stormy days when our hope is tried, and when we remember God’s promises. You see, the world will leave your side in the blink of an eye. Yet, God is always right by your side, as long as you never leave His.

As we sail through life and hunker down during those stormy days. My friends, you remember our end goal, which is the promise of our faith… It’s to one day meet our Heavenly Father, and be reunited with our lost loved ones who passed on before us.

It’s going to happen, it’s the only guarantee I’ll ever make to you.

One day, you’ll meet God, in fact, that’s essentially the “veil” we read about in this verse. That veil is symbolic of making Heaven available to you, wherein times past that was not the case.

Remember the deep and meaningful hope that you have, ensure you bring it to the forefront of your mind, and never let the world sink your ship.

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