Brandon T. Ward

I am a husband and father of three just trying to make sense of this crazy world.

My goal is to help Christians understand the Bible and current events. I hope to help non-believers understand that God is real, and He loves them.

When I am not working on this site, I enjoy spending time with my family in nature. You can learn more about me and my goal for this site by visiting the About page.

Articles by Brandon T. Ward


Stay Out Of Debt

Staying out of debt is easier said than done, I know. However, it’s something you can do, and it’s something you should be practicing everyday. As Christians, we are in this world, but we are


Can You Explain Revelation 9?

Revelation is filled with symbology. Who is the star, who are the locust, will they kill 1/3 of mankind? We break this chapter down into understandable terms.

End Times

Evil And Violence Have Taken Over Our World

Have you noticed the massive increase in violence? Violence is increasing all over the world, not just here at home. Remember when people used to hold doors for each other, smile, and wave? Those days


WWIII Is Knocking At The Door

Mad men rule our world, then again, that’s always been the case. It’s always about money and power, and how much more someone can gain. Unfortunately, in order for someone to gain, someone else must


A Nation In Peril

The United States was once a blessed nation, but it’s now in peril as society falls away from God. How do our elections play into this, and how should we vote?

Climate Change

The World Is Shifting To The Right

The world continues to emerge from the events of 2020. It was a horrible moment in world history, one that eroded our freedoms in the name of government health “mandates”. Then, a man was killed

Jesus Christ

What Is Meant By, The LORD Said To My Lord?

When David said, “the LORD said to my Lord”, he was citing the Father, and David confirmed that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. How could that be?

New World Order

Ukraine To Be Divided: Russia Mobilizes For War

Our world is quickly becoming a dangerous and scary place. The daily headlines don’t say it, but the battle for a new world order rages with each passing day. The West simply wants sole control


Putin And Xi Challenge World Order

Just days ago, Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi meet at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Uzbekistan. This was Xi’s first trip outside of China since the COVID-19 pandemic, which, “officially” ended yesterday at President


The Illegal Immigration Fiasco

Record numbers of illegal immigrants continue to fill our cities. It’s like a plague that never ceases. For all intents and purposes, President Biden invited them with his lax border policy. In fact, his administration

Jesus Christ

What Are The Signs Of Jesus Coming?

Scripture describes many signs that would indicate the return of Jesus is near. In fact, Christ provided many signs as well, but one stands out above them all.