Putin And Xi Challenge World Order

Just days ago, Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi meet at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Uzbekistan. This was Xi’s first trip outside of China since the COVID-19 pandemic, which, “officially” ended yesterday at President Biden’s decree.

Not to be sidetracked with nuances, the SCO consists of:

  • 8 full members: India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
  • 4 observer states: Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia.
  • 6 dialogue partners: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka.

In a new development, Iran just became a full member, though not yet listed on the SCO site.

Interestingly enough, Turkey just applied for full membership. If admitted, this would make Turkey the first member of the SCO and NATO. This seems at odds with their NATO membership, which seeks to develop and foster Western ideals, while the SCO is an attempt to rival and pressure the West.

Another interesting note on the SCO, member nations make up 42% of the global population, and 25% of Gross Domestic Product. That’s a significant number, and if the SCO can truly become unified, they pose a risk to the liberal global order of today.

So what happened at the meeting?

Key Highlights

Chinese President Xi Jinping said,

“In the face of the colossal changes of our time on a global scale, unprecedented in recent history, we are ready to team up with our Russian colleagues to set an example of a responsible world power and to play a leading role in putting a rapidly changing world on the track of sustainable and positive development.”

The colossal changes are those that have occurred since COVID-19. Our world dramatically changed for the worse. I’m not even talking about the news concerning the virus.

I’m talking about humanity and the rule of law.

We have seen a tremendous uptick in violence in our world, especially here at home among citizens. Vileness and wickedness have increased exponentially since 2020.

Xi was also talking about the Russian/Ukrainian war.

Due to this conflict, the West instantly removed Russia from the current global order, at least, financially. Many corporations ceased operations there, while others refuse to do business with the Russians. Not to mention, the devastating sanctions imposed on Russia by the West.

Early on, this severely isolated Russia. However, Russia, China, and other nations have rallied to some degree to lesson the blow. Those nations can now see, if their nation performs actions against the West, they too can be locked out of the current world order.

We find ourselves at a very interesting point in world history.

Russian President Putin had his own remarks.

Attempts to create a unipolar world have recently taken an absolutely ugly shape. They are absolutely unacceptable for the vast majority of countries on the globe.”

We’ve heard this from Putin before, along with other world leaders. For years, the Western centric world order has been a hindrance for developing nations, and other global powers; namely Russia and China.

After years of trying to work within the current system to make changes. They now appear to be going another route, by forging an alliance that promotes their own best interests.

Xi had more to say. He emphasized Russia and China should,

“…jointly push for an international order that is more just and more equitable.”


Putin had more words of his own.

Western countries are seeking to preserve yesterday’s world order that benefits them and force everyone to live according to the infamous ‘rules,’ which they concocted themselves.”


That’s a very true and fair statement. One Putin has uttered many times before.

Russia And China Plan A New World Order

Back in February, Russia and China released a joint statement.

The statement talks about the “transformation of the global governance architecture and world order”. They’re not talking about starting from scratch, that becomes clear.

“The sovereignty and the security and development interests of States, to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world.”

Instead, Russia and China seek a “genuine multipolarity” world order. One where the United States does not have an unfair advantage (ie: global reserve currency). One where the United States does dictate global policy.

“The sides call for the establishment of a new kind of relationships between world powers on the basis of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation.”

Simply stated, Russia and China seek a world order that does not have one sole superpower. They seek a world order based on “multipolarity”. Truly, this is what the Bible talks about, (Daniel 7:24, Revelation 13:1).

Look what else we have…

“Russia and China aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security.”

Russia and China are simply reinforcing what the United Nations is supposed to be about. Their stated concern had no issues with a global order, they simply do not like who has nearly sole power over it, being the United States.

This is something we have been discussing for years.

Everyone wants a new world order, they just want it fair and equitably for all.

It’s hard to imagine such a system today. Western ideals place importance on homosexuality, while undermining the history and heritage of their nations.

Russia and China are exactly the opposite.

More Rumors Of War

As we think about peace and solidity, we are far from that point in time. The West would have to relinquish the majority of their power in order to compromise with the powers of the East.

  • Who would do that?
  • Would is willingly to give up power?

Not a soul, so it will take an event to make that occur.

Now, bring your mind back to the SCO meeting that took place days ago.

Putin said,

“We condemn the provocations of the U.S. and its satellites in the Taiwan Strait,” Putin told Xi.


That’s Putin backing up China on Taiwan, just as China backed up Russia on Ukraine.

Interestingly enough, everyone’s favorite President, Joe Biden just said, if China attacks Taiwan, Biden will send U.S. forces to defend Taiwan.

Listen for yourself.

Can you believe that?

The ironic thing here is, the United States does not even recognize Taiwan as a nation, but we’re going to defend it.

When was the last time the United States even won a war?

It sure wasn’t Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc.

Meanwhile, the United States is considering sanctions against China.

I cannot stress enough, for years, our political leaders brought this on our heads. For years, we outsourced our jobs for cheap labor in China. We sent our manufacturing there, and now we’re surprised that China is countering our nation?

Right or wrong, we did this to ourselves.

Our Republican and Democrat politicians did this.

Nope, we can’t blame Russia or China.

We can blame ourselves and our selfish leaders. Leaders who placed themselves and their ideology above everyone else’s. We even see this in our own nation. In fact, our Federal Government now considers domestic terrorism to be the worst threat facing our nation.

A few years ago, the Muslims were the enemy, now it’s you.

It really makes you wonder, who’s the real enemy here?


As we have discussed many times, the global order that was established back in the 1940s is obsolete. The problem is, those who still rule it, do not want to share power.

On the other hand, Russia and China want a United Nations centric world order, but it must be “multipolar,” unlike the “unipolar” (West) order of today. Moreover, Russia and China’s efforts with the SCO, BRICS, and other global bodies are an attempt to forge opposition to the present world order.

As nations continue to join those organizations, it displays rebellion against the power structure of today. Nevertheless, this changing world order will take years to develop, before it becomes a reality.

While a global financial catastrophe could rapidly cause a stir and speed this up. We just witnessed a major stir with COVID. A stir that divided our world even more than it already is.

One thing is certain, we’re in for quite a ride.

Buckle up.

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