The Illegal Immigration Fiasco

Record numbers of illegal immigrants continue to fill our cities.

It’s like a plague that never ceases.

For all intents and purposes, President Biden invited them with his lax border policy. In fact, his administration brought us the record numbers. However, with each passing Presidency, that’s always the case as the statistics show. No President ever changed that. Illegal immigration continually increases year over year.

So, a few red states had enough, especially Texas.

Last year, those red states started working together on our southern border, sending law enforcement from various red states to Texas in order to stop the invasion.

Somehow, that managed to fizzle out.

That was a drastic mistake.

So now, red states like Texas and Florida are busing and flying illegals to blue sanctuary cities around the country. When we all first caught wind of this, I’m sure we all had a good chuckle, I sure did.

However, I knew it wasn’t the answer to the problem.

Let’s face it, illegals are still within the confines of our national borders. So busing them from one state to another doesn’t solve any problems, but it gains political points.

Libs Aren’t Dumb

Unfortunately, months have passed by, Texas and Florida continue to send illegal immigrats to blue cities around the nation. It’s beyond a public relations stunt at this point, and really needs to stop.

Why am I flustered about it?

This headline is one reason.

Who saw that coming?

The whole time, Governor Abbot (Texas) and Governor DeSantis (Florida) laughed about busing illegals to New York and D.C. They said, ‘let them deal with the illegals’. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize, the libs will just bus them somewhere else.

That’s exactly what is happening now.

So, even red states are aiding and abetting illegal immigrants into our nation.

The answer to the immigration crisis is not to allow more into the nation. It’s to close the border. If it’s okay for Biden to leave the border open, then it’s okay for red states to enforce the law and shut the border down.

What are the Feds going to do if red states rally by sending forces to the border to enforce it?

Nothing, if enough states get involved.

In the end, all of this is political posturing.

Toady, our border procedures are, if an illegal says they are seeking refuge in our nation, then they are allowed in. This is insanity. Anyone can say they are seeking refuge, so enough is enough already.



I have been all over this nation. I have observed what appears to be illegal immigration out in the open, illegal immigrants being employed illegally to support farms. This is extremely prevalent in Florida and many southern states.

I recall time after time, going to the store in Florida, there was a strip mall. Dad was with us on one occasion. There were several old buses in the parking lot. When you went into the store, it was filled with younger Spanish speaking men.

That’s not an exaggeration.

What’s happening, is these men are taken to the store via the bus where they shop and wash their clothes at the laundry mat. It’s only men. The farm bus waits for the men to conduct their affairs, and then they are bused back to the farm. I’ve read articles about this in the past, but I witnessed it first hand numerous times.

Political Bull

It was frustrating to watch actually, because if I know, so do the Mayors, Congressmen, Senators, and Governors. Not to mention, the conservative mainstream media which rarely mentions a word about it.

As you can see from that headline,

In one breath, we say we need to get rid of illegal immigration.

In the next, we are talking about how much we need illegal immigrants.

So, red state Governors are talking a big game, but they too facilitate illegal immigration in their own states without tipping off the public. In their eyes, they want illegal immigration as well, just not too much of it.

The Indians would say,

“You speak with forked tongue”.

If we truly need farm workers, then have a program in place for it, where people can legally come in to work. However, by knowingly allowing illegal immigrants to work in red states, it really makes you worse than liberals, who at least tell you they want illegals here.

I don’t like backstabbers.

Then again, how many Americans are unemployed?


How many Americans are receiving some form of government assistance?

42,000,000 Americans are on food stamps

How many illegal farm workers could we replace with actual Americans?

Good question.

I can hear the people regurgitate the mainstream media talking points already…

But Brandon, “Americans won’t do those jobs”.

I tell you what, when you get hungry enough, you’ll do anything to feed you’re gut. I’ve been there as a kid, I would know.

The problem is, American’s don’t even know what being poor is. Even the poorest Americans have a couple televisions, cell phones, and their waist lines are beyond average size.

That’s not being poor!

Our national problem is we have become too reliant on the government to solve our problems.

Until Americans embrace God, stop playing partisan politics, and engage their red and blue representatives. Nothing will change for the better.

Instead, we’ll be used like a dirty rag to play for the left and right.

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