This Is A Battle For The New World Order

We are witnessing a major battle for the New World Order unfold.

In fact, the war between Russia and Ukraine is the battleground for the New World Order. No one is hiding that fact any longer. The media is promoting it and so are government officials. This is why you are seeing the West pour money and arms into Ukraine.

This is why you have seen the West place devastating economic sanctions on Russia.

For both sides, the war in Ukraine is a must-win.

Putin needs to repel NATO, and NATO must expand to increase the West’s power.

By the way, make no mistake about it…

All world leaders are globalists in one fashion or another. All world leaders want and are ensuring their “spot at the table”. Yes, Russia’s Putin is also a globalist. I hope we have not forgotten that Russia also belongs to the globalist United Nations.

So please, let’s not give Klaus Schwab all the credit for a New World Order. That’s kid’s stuff. He is doing his part, but this has been in the making for decades. He’s just the man of the hour.

Moving on.

As we have explained in many articles, the current world order is obsolete and everyone wants to replace it.

The only question is,

  • What nations will be at the top of the food chain?

That is one of the reasons for the battle we are seeing be waged.

The Liberal World Order

We have all heard the term “New World Order” a lot lately. In fact, I have heard it more in the last two years than ever before. Since we tend to have short memories, let’s have a reminder.

Notice this last one?

In April of 2020, just as the 99.9% survival rate pandemic was unfolding, globalist Henry Kissinger said,

‘The world’s democracies need to defend and sustain their Enlightenment values. A global retreat from balancing power with legitimacy will cause the social contract to disintegrate both domestically and internationally.’

Daily Mail

These “enlightenment values” are not Christian, instead, they are LGBT, “diversity,” “inclusion,” “equality,” you get the idea. Kissinger calls this, the “liberal world order”.

Did you catch that?

That is what the New World Order is all about.

In fact, if you pay close enough attention. They all call it a “liberal order” or “liberal democracy”.

The reality, it’s an anti-God globalist liberal utopia.

That is why during the last two years, businesses and governments have shut down your free speech and rights. They are all run by radical liberals. Let me make it very clear here, what is happening in Ukraine is not some isolated random event.

It is, potentially, the culmination of many…

Kissinger concluded, failure to preserve the liberal world order “could set the world on fire”.

The world is now burning.

To add more fuel to the flames, The Jerusalem Post said, the war is “The death of international law,” while Newt Gingrich called it, the “End of the post-World War II system”.

This is all opening up the doors for discussions about a… New World Order.

World Leaders Talk About The New World Order

Now, I want to cover some very recent usages of the term, the “New World Order”.

Just days ago, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister spoke before the United Nations and said.

“The beginning of a large-scale war in Ukraine will be the end of the world order as we know it.”

Ukraine Foreign Minister

Here’s the clip.

A war in Ukraine is not the end of the world order.

Our world is not going back to the sovereign individual nation state model.

The war in Ukraine is going to decide how the world order evolves from here. The fear is, the liberal world order will be challenged. Russia’s Putin is in fact, challenging it right now.

Ukraine Fights For The New World Order

Then just yesterday, a Ukrainian Parliament Member said,

We not only fight for Ukraine. We fight for this new world order, for the democratic countries.

Ukraine is what?

Ukraine is fighting for the New World Order.

Do you still support Ukraine?

Putin is no saint, but at least the guy is a Christian. The liberal world order wants to do away and destroy our Jesus Christ.

Have you not realized this by now?

That is the entire point behind these buzzwords, “diversity,” “inclusion,” and “equality”. Those words are a ruse, a lie, to get you to set down your Bible and agree with the perverse world we live in.

To, compromise…

Listen to Jesus Christ.

Luke 10:16
He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.

You cannot be a friend of the world and a friend of Jesus Christ, it just doesn’t work.

The liberal world order hates our Christian ideas. That is why we are shamed for them. That is why they have attacked the church. Shamefully, the church has caved to the world which is why we even have homosexual priests in God’s House.

This is all very important, so you know where we are Biblically speaking.

Now, everything this Ukraine MP said is important to grasp.

So here’s the clip, don’t skip it.

For the record, we are not a “democratic” country. We are a “republic”.

There is a big difference!

  • A democracy is the rule of many.
  • A republic is the rule of law.

In the United States, our law is the Constitution. The liberal world order is the rule of many, mob rule, the same rule that brought us freedom removing global COVID restrictions.

Russia Wants A New World Order

Read what U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price said last week.

Russia and the PRC also want a world order. But this is an order that is and would be profoundly illiberal. … It is an order that is, in many ways, destructive rather than additive.”

Washington Examiner

We have two gems right here.

Russia also wants a world order.

Exactly as we have always contended. Every nation wants a world order, better said, a New World Order. Something to alter the world order that was established in the 1940s, (see: The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World).

The fighting and bickering is about who is going to be the big boy on the block. In fact, the title of that article was, “China’s support for Russia turns Ukraine into battleground for new world order”.

How fitting.

When it all comes down to it, it’s about money and power. The United States is by far, the most powerful nation on earth, militarily and economically. We are not going to get into debt and fiat currency. All nations have that.

Only The West Wants To Rule The World

Just a week or so back, we provided you with this quote which is even more relevant today.

America’s political and financial elitebelieve that they are the only ones who can run the world,” and do not intend to let anyone else take the helms. “So, until a new world order is established in which the US is weaker and its role is diminished, we will be in more or less acute political conflict with them.”

Senator of the Russian Federation

So there you have it.

The war in Ukraine is in fact, the battle ground for the establishment of the New World Order.

The West is going full bore to secure its position at the top. Not only at the top, but to ensure it’s the liberal world order that continues and progresses and nothing less.

Russia’s culture, history, and Christian heritage are not welcome.


Russia is against homosexuality. Putin even warned, the West is erasing its own history in the name of “social progress”. He stated what all Christians already feel,

“Anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risk being ostracised.”

This is one of many reasons why the West does not want Russia to have a leading role in the New World Order. The two cultures and belief systems are incompatible.

No doubt, non-believers will disregard and scoff at such spiritual notions. They always do, (2 Peter 3:3).

Yet, the war being waged in our world is very spiritual.

The New World Order Will Not Bring Peace

The liberal world order is all about erasing the traditional culture and heritage of the nations.

Especially, the Christian nations.

It is about establishing a liberal global utopia that leans on men, not God, (Proverbs 3:5-6, 2 Chronicles 32:8). The New World Order is the modern Tower of Babel, but it will become the fallen Babylon as outlined in Revelation 18:2.

With the advent of the COVID pandemic, and now the Ukrainian war, I feel we are one big step closer.

So what does the future hold?

In light of recent events, I feel more clarity has been shed on Daniel 7:24 which reads,

And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

“He” is the Little Horn, Daniel 7:8

“This kingdom” is the sixth kingdom, (Revelation 17:10, see The Scarlet Beast With Seven Heads And Ten Horns).

I have always wondered, what would cause three of the Ten Clay kings to rebel against the global order of this sixth kingdom?

Perhaps, it comes right down to ideology, culture, and heritage, more spiritual in nature…

Time will tell, time always reveals more to us concerning prophecy.

Once the New World Order is established, though it will be founded on peace, there will never be peace, (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Just as the peaceful world order that was established in the 1940s is now leading to massive global conflict.

Remember, global conflicts are not always literal war.

How I am reminded of what I wrote in “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat.”

We live in a time where conflicts can be created and ended in an office instead of on the battlefield. A time when economics can rule over might.

We are witnessing that today.

I also want you to recall,

  • World War I ended in peace, with the League of Nations.
  • World War II ended in peace, with the United Nations.

Any New World Order will only bring about temporary peace.

Once it’s established, at some point, there will be a conflict between three of these Ten Clay kings, even the Deadly Wound, and it will be at that point in time when, the Antichrist appears. He will appear in order to remove these three troublesome kings, right when it looks like we are all doomed.

Then the world,

…Worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Revelation 13:4

You must remember, the Antichrist, Satan, the Dragon will not claim to be evil at all, (Revelation 12:7-9). He and his 200 million angels will claim to be God and His Kingdom who has returned to restore all things, but it’s an abominable lie, (Revelation 9:16).

Things are getting exciting, though we are not there yet.

However, we are watching the birth pains of the Last Days increase more rapidly than at any other time in world history. “All these are the beginning of sorrows”, (Matthew 24:8).

It feels like we are watching, the beginning of the End.

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