Lies And Propaganda: This Is The Big Setup

The news concerning the war between Russia and Ukraine contains just fragments of truth. In fact, it reminds me of the news coverage over the last two years. Apparently, nothing has changed.

Just days ago, I said many of you are going to be conflicted by what the media tells you…

How conflicted are you now?

Don’t Miss The Highlights

Yesterday, I took the liberty to create a post with updates, highlights, and notes on the crisis. I encourage you to glance over that one, if you have not already. It’s going to really highlight some of what we will cover.

Zelensky Lies

If you listen to the mainstream media, Ukrainian President Zelensky is hanging out with his military, dressed in their attire.

That’s a lie.

The pictures of Zelensky fitted with military gear are from April of 2021. In fact, many of the images, videos, and stories you are reading about, are pure hogwash. It’s blatant propaganda to sway your opinion of things. These guys saved me hours of work documenting some of it.

Source: Time

Russia’s Lack Of Progress Is A Lie

The reports stating Russia is not making progress in Ukraine are a lie.

Russia just captured two more cities and Kyiv is encircled according to its mayor. The media is telling you, Putin is PO’d that he has not made more progress. That, Putin expected this war to be over in 1-4 days.

That’s a lie.

How quickly we forget…

  • It took the United States, the superpower of the world years to conquer Iraq.
  • The United States spent 20 years in Afghanistan fighting sheepherders, only to leave with their tails between their legs?

Yet Putin is sputtering?

Give me a break.

We Are Being Used

Our hearts continue to be preyed upon, and now we see the whole world (or so it appears) supporting Ukraine. Even the Texas Governor called for retailers to remove Russian products from store shelves.

We call that being “de-platformed”.

Where have we heard that before?

Our hearts continue to be swayed as we hear of the Ukrainian people under siege. Yet, you never even heard of the Donbas region before all of this. You didn’t even know what a DPR or LPR was until last week, (see: Did You See What Russia Just Did?)!

Some of you are probably asking that question right now, which proves the point. No one gave two rips when the people in eastern Ukraine were being killed by the Ukrainian government. Something that has been going on for 8 years!

Nope, no one cared.

They didn’t matter, that’s why.

People only matter when they can be used to further the narrative to,

  • Excise control.
  • Consolidate power and wealth.

We are being told Ukraine is the good guy and Russia is the bad guy. If you don’t believe that, well then, you don’t have a heart, and you are peddling Russian propaganda.

Where have we heard this type of speak before?

Why it was only the last two years!

We were told, if you didn’t “follow the science” you were wrong. If you didn’t “follow the science” you were a COVID denier.

Of course, we followed the science and watched it mutate and transform. We watched the leaders of the world, including the mainstream media, squirm their way from lie to lie.

Today, we are told freedom matters in Ukraine.

Yesterday, we were told you don’t have freedom to spread COVID.


Yet, we are suppose to listen to them today?

Do you honestly think they are telling you the truth about Ukraine, when they couldn’t tell you the truth about COVID?

Get out of here!

Free Speech Only Matters When It Benefits The Narrative

The last two years taught us, not all speech is considered free speech. In fact, some speech must be silenced in order to silence distant. To quell “disinformation,” they tell us.

Right now, the same thing is happening to Russia. Their media outlets have been banned in Europe, “de-platformed”.

The reason?

“Russian propaganda”.

The West never produces propaganda, it’s only Russia and Christian conservatives they tell us.

When Diversity Is Not Diverse

I am continually disgusted to hear how the West stands for “diversity,” “inclusion,” “tolerance,” “equality,” and how they stand against “racism”. Yet, U.S. President Joe Biden just nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

Not because she is the best candidate.


Just because she is black and a woman. That is the very definition of racism and sexism. Yet, our government and mainstream media spin it backward and no one notices or even cares enough to bark about it.

You see, this whole racism/sexism thing is just a talking point to destroy our country and culture. In order to replace it with the Western liberal globalist agenda that is unfolding before us.

When Equality Is Not Equal

We are told how tolerant the West is. How men and women should always be treated equally. Yet, we only hear about injustices when it fits a narrative. When Ukraine forced its men to stay and fight the Russians, women were allowed to leave.

No one said a word about it.

Hey, if women are equal in all regards, then why were they allowed to leave?

Do you know why?

It didn’t fit the narrative.

So, the West doesn’t need to argue the point.

Folks, it’s damn brainwashing.

Do you get it or not?

When Inclusion Is Not Inclusive

Even worse, MI6 Chief Richard Moore, the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service said,

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022.”


The hard won freedoms are LGBT+ rights?

You have got to be kidding me.

Did you notice your Christian values are not listed?

Your Christian values are intolerant of homosexuals. So you Mr. and Mrs. Christian are akin to Putin. Putin is a Christian by the way. No wonder he is being demonized by the West. Christians are always demonized by the mainstream. Nothing new to see here.

Meanwhile, Western leaders continually tell us we evolved from a pool of slime and sexual misconduct is a-okay! They are morally corrupt, and they do not believe in your God.

Financial Warfare

So due to the Russian atrocities, the West kicked Russia out of SWIFT, (+ more, blocks dollar trade “months of planning”)!

That is financial warfare.

This will be felt all over the world. Think about the debt payments that Russia needs to make to other central banks. Think about basic financial transactions. Now, Russia will be unable to complete those payments which could mean what?


If Russia defaults on debt, it will harm other financial institutions around the world. It would seem, many are going to feel the shockwaves from that. Could it be a trigger for the next financial collapse? Will the BRICS factor into this somehow?

Perhaps another trigger for a new global financial collapse. Of course, this too is a part of the narrative. Our global economy has been artificially inflated for years and years. It’s destined for a correction as they call it.

This would be a perfect scapegoat, then again, COVID was too, and it crash and recovered.

We should also note, Russia has the 11th largest economy in the world.

Now I will say, Russia’s removal from SWIFT is supposed to exclude certain banks. We are just going to have to watch and see what happens here. However, this is an absolute catastrophe in the making. By design, I might add.

If you have been paying attention to global markets, they have been dropping since November. In fact, numerous stocks have lost 50-75% of their value during the last year. Look at the collapse of these “real-estate tech stocks”.

Look at the NASDAQ index.

Cyber Warfare

To add to the financial warfare, the West is waging cyberattacks against Russia. We were told this was being planned days ago, and it’s now unfolding. Of course, you are not going to find this reported by the Western media.

However, when visiting Russian media outlets such as RT and Tass the sites are offline or not responsive. In fact, as I write this article the Russian stock exchange website, MOEX is offline.

The Evolution Of The Global Order

When you get to the heart of the matter, this war all comes down to power and control.

In Putin’s mind, if he did not act, NATO would absorb Ukraine. If Ukraine became a NATO ally, they could never be touched. This would also mean, NATO would place weapons, including nuclear weapons on Russia’s doorstep.

Read the Putin letter, he could never allow this to happen. No one would ever allow their adversary to do such a thing. So for Putin, this is a must-win scenario.

At the same time, the West wants to continue to dominate the global order. So they must continue to expand into the East, just as they have been doing for decades. So for the West, Ukraine is a must-win as well.

Both sides must-win.

This is dangerous territory.

We are hearing talk about World War III and nuclear weapons. We are being told the truth is a lie and the lies are truth. God told you we would hear about these things in the Last Days, “but the end is not yet,” (Isaiah 5:20, Matthew 24:6).

“All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

Matthew 24:8

So while the television preys on your heart, there is a bigger issue at stake. The world order and how it will continue to be shaped. As we have said for years now, there can be no new world order until the current world order is destroyed.

That’s Biblical.

There is no doubt in my mind, Ukraine is a setup, it’s a battle ground for the new world order.

We are watching Bible prophecy unfold in real-time.

How are you doing?

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